18 People Who Came Across Something That Added Zest to Their Day

year ago

Life has endless lessons and surprises in store for us, hence the adage “You learn something new everyday.” And these new information can range from simple realizations, to funny revelations, and even really interesting discoveries.

Now I’ve Seen Everything found 18 individuals whose days were spiced up by new information about themselves, about the past, or about their surroundings, thanks to their amusing finds.

1. “One of our barn kittens has both stripes and spots.”

2. “My husband and I discovered you can get photo shower curtains.”

3. “I just turned 31, and this is the most professional photo I have of myself.”

4. “The legs on this table in the Idaho State Capitol building”

5. “I just moved in with my girlfriend and her 3 teenage daughters.”

“It’s been a while since they’ve had a handyman around... or a man period.”

6. “Just a new building on the ground floor facing a busy road”

7. “Someone placed a small stick on each of the dog graves in this cemetery.”

8. “Had no hot dog buns and now my boyfriend and I realize we are 2 very different people...”

9. “Someone put googly eyes on a statue in Exeter (UK).”

10. “Just realized I’ve been driving all over town with refrigerator magnets on my car.”

11. “My grandma and grandpa dressed as each other for a party in the early 1950s.”

12. “My girlfriend has extremely flexible fingers.”

13. “Dropped the kids at school this morning. The head teacher was smiling at me, other parents were smiling at me.”

14. “My Cup Noodles lid is also a cat that greets you when you open it halfway.”

15. “My cat has a cookie shape on his belly.”

16. “Realized the cutesy snowman at work has poop for a nose.”

17. “These ’dog toys’ my wife discovered at our local groomer”

18. “My dad and his friends look like the cast of Stranger Things. This photo was taken in 1982.”

What interesting finds have you stumbled upon recently? What is a big comic revelation you’ve had about your life?

Preview photo credit princessamirak / Reddit


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