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Lauralee Owens
hour ago
Apparently, granny got her medical degree in her spare time and just didn't bother to tell you! I think saying you have a heart condition should ALWAYS be the END of the conversation! Does she want you to die in childbirth and leave the baby with no mother? Just crazy!
15 Times Tactless Comments Made Child-Free People Want to Disappear Right on the Spot
Martee Garcia
2 hours ago
I watched my ex-dil kids for free for years! They are OUR grandchildren. They are my grandsons sisters and he loves them and we do too! It was my pleasure to see them and be part of their lives. You should try loving them as much as you do your blood related grandchild.
I Took a Stand and Refused to Babysit My DIL’s Kids for Free
Patricia Tumlin
4 hours ago
Both examples are tacky IMHO. Left image - ditch the short necklace, dump any idea of neck adornment and concentrate on bodice, where large rhinestone piece centered in the chevron area of bodice. Piece could be a metal creation. OR, either shoulder area a sparkly pin in crystals of color, WHATEVER you like:)
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Claire Casseus
5 hours ago
She's not a girlfriend She's his whole wife that means her children are now his children and by default your grandchildren. What I wonder is do you treat the other children as less than your bio grand? If so as for me you would become a non entity in our family period. and if your son wasn't with it he'd be an ex husband and the 2 of you could go love yourselves
I Took a Stand and Refused to Babysit My DIL’s Kids for Free
Karen Jeanne Krick Valentine
5 hours ago
It's not so much that you asked for compensation; babysitting is a lot of work. But you should NEVER have excluded her other two children - I would have been upset at that, too. I would wonder if you were treating the other children differently than your grandson while you were with them! You should have discussed the amount of time you were babysitting as more than you thought, and set a limit for the times you would be willing to babysit - once per week, or whatever - so she could find another babysitter. NEVER make a mother defensive about her children!
I Took a Stand and Refused to Babysit My DIL’s Kids for Free
Wemi Perkins
6 hours ago
You watch the kids at their house, so using their utilities, food, etc… so what do they need to pay for? You realize any money coming from her will be coming from your son too right? I think you deciding to single out “her” kids was not nice and so now you are dealing with the consequences. Either charge for all or none, but again you are watching them at their house so you are not out any money. You can always say no if it’s an inconvenience but again you singling out kids is not right.