11 Spot-On Answers to Tactless Questions That Will Prevent Any Unwanted Advice

2 years ago

People sometimes can be really tactless and ask you about your salary, marital status, and many other things we consider private. But we’ve prepared a cheat sheet for you that can help you answer tactless or even rude questions with humor and confidence.

1. Unwanted advice should never be welcomed.

2. Some people just can’t live a day without asking whether your beauty is natural.

3. And some people’s curiosity seems to be limitless.

4. However, relatives are the champions of tactless questions.

5. But sometimes it’s best to just laugh it off.

6. But if a person tactlessly tells you what to do, it’s okay to use sarcasm.

7. A “being silly” routine helps rude people to back off.

8. And this is a universal trick for the times when you don’t want to discuss your private matters.

9. There are some people who feel very comfortable asking tactless questions.

10. And sometimes an honest answer is the best option.

11. And some tactless questions can be answered with another tactless question.


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