10 Strangers Who Turned Others’ Lives Around

week ago

Modern world can be cruel, and from childhood we’re taught not to trust strangers. But it’s not all black and white; sometimes strangers can help and even change lives for the better. Here are stories that prove it.

  • I often had the same delivery man, a good-looking guy, but apparently he was born with something like a harelip, and he had a scar and a bad bite. The guy was always kind of skittish, wouldn’t make eye contact. I spoke to him nicely a few times, tipped him, gave him a homemade pie once. He rode with headphones on, from there I heard great music, I praised his musical taste a few times, recommended more bands similar. And then I noticed he’d been gone for a while, maybe 9 months, if not more. I thought he must have quit. Then the other day, the doorbell rings, I open the door, and there’s this guy. Not in a courier uniform, but dressed in style, different look. He hands me a piece of paper, and it’s a wedding invitation. And he says, «You’ve always spoken to me so well, I had so much confidence after you said that. Not many people talk to me like that. I got a correspondence course, found another job, and at university I met a girl, we are getting married in two months. Please come, I’ll be glad to see you!» I would love to go to his wedding, and it’s incredible.
  • The lady who told me I looked great in blue, and that it was clearly my color. To this day if I’m deciding between shirts to buy, or wear, I’ll go with blue. That compliment was about fifteen years ago at least. © T***sforN***les / Reddit
  • The gentleman in a business suit who handed me his umbrella in the middle of a downpour. We just were passing each other on the sidewalk, our eyes met, and he just handed over the umbrella with a "Hear ya go." Never saw him again. © Jenmeme / Reddit
  • When I was in elementary school, I fell through ice. A man who was walking his dog saw me fall and rushed to the shore. I frantically swam back to the shore, I was only about 5 meters in to the pond so it wasn't a long way, but it took some with soaked winter clothes.
    When I reached the shore, the man pulled me up by my jacket. It would've been difficult to get up, as there was a steep incline. I didn't thank him, because I was in shock, but I bet he knows I was grateful, and 20 years later I still hope I would have thanked him. © Omenaa / Reddit
  • Once when I was homeless, I asked a lady for the time. She told me and then asked if I wanted to share her sandwich and the paper.
    She was the first person to treat me like a person, like I was worth something in years. I never got her name, but I will remember her fondly for the rest of my life. I know that she'll never, ever know what a difference she made in my life. Just that one simple thing she did and the humanity she showed me changed my life.
    I completely turned my life around just a few days later. One person, one smile, one kindness that you may never think of again in your life can change someone else's life beyond measure. © Just-STFU / Reddit
  • Took a train to NYC by myself for the first time. I was 18. Second time to NYC, first time ever on a train. I told the kiosk lady that I’d never been on a train before and asked if she might give me a quick run down of what to do.
    Another train station employee was nearby and was very interested and amused that I was taking a train for the first time and was alone. He walked me through what to do, down to the smallest detail. No judgement, no meanness. He was just a guy with a silly disposition, delighting in a young person’s naivety breaking up the doldrums of his week.
    I aspire to be that way when people ask me for help. Thanks, Frank P. You were a peach. © Acceptable_Medicine2 / Reddit
  • My son was a week old, and had to go to the doctor. I ended up locking my keys, phone, and son in the car.
    This incredibly wonderful older couple calmed me down, called for help, parked beside my car and sat with me until the tow truck came and unlocked the car. The tow driver refused payment. I will never forget those three people. © alwaysia***ad / Reddit
  • I skidded out on black ice like 15 years ago, my car spun several times and then slammed into a guardrail/snowbank facing traffic in the opposite way. A man who was walking to the train ran over, pushed me out of the snow embankment, and then pushed my car into a parking lot. He got me out of the car and made sure I didn’t have a horrible concussion, and waited for me to call my dad.
    I lived close, so he listened to me confirm my dad was like 3 minutes away and then took off running to catch his train. There was so much black ice and cars were sliding all over. He very easily could’ve saved my life. I wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a line-up today, but I will never ever forget his kindness. © shastamama / Reddit
  • I was on a solo trip to Amsterdam last year, partying it up as one does. I was at a bar and a gorgeous British woman a seat or two over from me (mid-20s) grabs my arm (I’m a very gay looking man by the way) and starts going on about how good it is to see me.
    I got the hint and noticed an older guy bothering her and her friend, played along with them as their long-lost BFF until he left. We ended up spending the rest of the night bar crawling and having the best time. I’ll never forget you, B! © -dula-peep- / Reddit
  • When my flight was cancelled, a stranger gave up his flight on something direct, not affected by the weather. So I could get home to see my boy on his first birthday. © billbapapa / Reddit

Unfortunately, not all strangers are as good-hearted. Here’s a story of a girl who was recording herself at the gym, and another woman approached her and asked her to put on a shirt, as she looked indecent in her sports bra.


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