8 Red Flags Clearly Indicating an Unhealthy Relationship

“These days” are not the best part of every woman’s life, just think about it — over the course of her life, a woman spends an average of 6 years menstruating! Here are some comics about that time of the month that will resonate with every woman’s soul. As a bonus, we’ll show you what women from the past used during their periods, and you’ll realize how lucky we are today.
Papyrus, wood, and sea sponges. Although almost no information is available on how women dealt with their flows in ancient history, historians believe that women during the 3,000 B.C. — 5th century used different natural materials for menstruation. For example, Egyptian women used papyrus — a paper used for writing during that time. They soaked it so it would become soft and used as pads.
Greek women, according to Hippocrates, used wrapping bits of wood with lint as tampons. And some females are believed to use sea sponges to absorb the blood during periods.
Sanitary apron. A sanitary apron was a rubber apron with a strip that run between the legs to prevent blood from leaking on female skirts and seats. Basically, the apron was made to save furniture from stains, but it was a smelly and uncomfortable solution.
Here’s another collection of comics about the lengths women go to for the sake of beauty.