15 Obsolete Things That Could Make Any Kid Who Grew Up in the 90s Emotional

2 years ago

Years go by so fast and technology evolves at an astronomically high speed that sometimes it is hard to keep up. Something new appears every single day and just one year later, the technology of last year is considered obsolete. But some things will forever stay in our minds and hearts no matter how many years go by.

1. “Sticking pins through skin.”

2. You watched 3D movies with these bad boys.

3. “Removing the faceplate of your car stereo so it wouldn’t get stolen.”

4. That feeling of betrayal when you found sewing stuff in one of these.

5. The fun of writing with one of these

6. “Who remembers these switchblade combs?”

7. A Polly Pocket that you could bring around to show your friends.

8. If anyone understands the relationship between these two things, they should start with medical checkups every year.

Insert dowel A into hole B or C. twist repeatedly.
Always be kind, remember to rewind. (yeah that
one is more relevant to VCR tapes.)


9. “3D Pinball: Space Cadet. One of the greatest offline games that I miss dearly.”

10. The TV cabinet with glass doors you needed to push to open to reach the VCR

11. Multicolor retractable pen.

12. This is how dads used to choose music to listen to on the road.

13. “When your ground needs protection.”

14. This is what used to wake you up in the morning.

15. PlayStation 1.

Which images specifically make you feel nostalgic about your childhood? Is it the games you used to play with or the gadgets you had?

Please note: This article was updated in December 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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