15 People Who Express Their Love Through Meaningful Gifts

3 years ago

It’s believed there are five love languages, and giving gifts is one of them. Nothing shows how much you love and care for the person than a thoughtfully prepared gift you’ve been planning for a long time. And 15 people we featured in this article definitely speak the gift-giving love language fluently.

Here at Now I’ve Seen Everything, we love the feeling of warmth and excitement that comes along with choosing and wrapping the presents for your loved ones. And these 15 touching pictures will make you relive these heartwarming emotions.

1. “My friend Joe made me a wooden Xmas tree as my gift for Xmas. My heart is so full.”

2. “Wedding day gift from my husband — inside the glass ball are crushed up petals from the first bouquet of flowers he ever got me.”

3. “Wife and I got each other the same gift for Christmas by accident.”

4. “Fixed my makeup after ugly crying from the gift my husband gave me.”

5. “I got good grades in my college first year and my parents gifted me this beautiful watch.”

6. “My grandma’s face when she opened the gift I crocheted for her”

7. “My girlfriend gifted me this cool Star Wars clock made from a vinyl record.”

8. “I custom-made these Game Boy Advances for my siblings as a gift this holiday season. Can’t wait for them to choose their Pokémon!”

9. “My daughter got the coolest gift from her grandma.”

10. “My dad showing off his Father’s Day gift”

11. “First project I designed and built that I am proud to give as a gift — my wife loved it.”

12. “My secret Santa gift made me cry. The card said to love my fur baby as much as I can while she’s still here.”

13. “My mom’s reaction to her Christmas gift”

14. “That moment when you get the perfect gift.”

15. “I can’t wait to give my girlfriend her Christmas gift.”

What’s your favorite gift that you’ve ever received? Do you enjoy giving others presents? Leave us pics and stories in the comments so we can be inspired during the festivities!

Preview photo credit NotGayRyan / Reddit


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