15 People Who Wanted to Refresh Their Hairstyle, but It Turned Out to Be a Disaster

7 months ago

Nearly half of men and 1 in 5 women choose to cut their hair at home for savings in both time and money. While friends or moms might not deliver perfection for free, paying for a salon service with a clear vision doesn’t always guarantee top-tier results. Online users share their makeover stories, achieved through personal efforts, help from their loved ones, or professional hairstylists.

1. “You know Jim Carrey playing in Dumb and Dumber?” “Not another word.”

2. “Paid $63 for this. I asked for layers (like a butterfly cut) and curtain bangs, I think she hated me.”

3. “I asked for a low fade and to cut a little off the top if it needed to be blended.”

4. “Paid $42 for this haircut yesterday.”

5. “Wanted my hair blended all the way around and got this instead.”

6. “The hairdresser had ‘no idea’ how this happened.”

7. “Got a haircut 3 days before my wedding.”

8. “A family friend offered to trim my curtain bangs since they were getting long. I now look like David Bowie from the Labyrinth. How can I hide this?”

9. “Husband decided to trim his own hair. Results when I got home were priceless.”

10. “Yes, done at a real salon. And yes, she did cry when she saw it.”

11. “After not cutting his hair for over 3 years, my boyfriend decided to change it up before vacation. This is how the woman let him leave, satisfied she had accomplished exactly what he wanted.”

12. “This is the 2nd time in under a year where a hair stylist has left me with a horrendous cut!”

13. “What I asked for vs. What I got. Yikes.”

14. “I got this haircut and I couldn’t get a refund.”

15. “My friend asked her boyfriend to just shave off the baby hairs... but he did a little bit more.”

As it turns out, not only humans can change beyond recognition as a result of haircuts, but also animals.

Preview photo credit oppagangnamsniper / Reddit


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