15+ Strategies to Strengthen Your Self-Defense Arsenal

3 hours ago

It can be a life-saving skill to know how to fight and defend yourself. But before it comes to that, there are things you can do to make your environment safer, or at least minimize the risk of getting into a dangerous situation. Things as seemingly insignificant as how and where you park your car, or where you choose to sit on public transportation, can make you feel safer.

1. Walk away from walls.

Put some space between you and the wall when approaching a blind corner. If someone is waiting to attack you, you will have more time to make smart decisions. You may also be able to spot them before they do anything, and you have a chance of escape. Always be alert and look around you for possible danger.

2. Say you live close to Walmart.

Just because they share their personal information with you doesn't mean you have to. If you're in a situation where you don't want to say where you live, you can say that you live near something, of which there are many. This could be a Walmart, a hotel chain, or a gas station, since there are probably several in the area. You can change it to whatever works for you.

3. Say that your car is borrowed.

If someone approaches you and seems interested in your car, they may try to get private information from you. They may ask if the car is yours. This means they could follow you in the future with your license plate number, car color, and car type. You can tell them: It's a rental or a loaner. That way, they probably won't take the car details and leave you alone.

4. Park your car in reverse.

When you arrive at a parking lot, pull back into the spot. You’ll be calm and have enough time to get out later. On the other hand, there may be a situation where you need to leave in a hurry, possibly stressed and anxious. It’s harder to do that if you’re parked head-in.

5. Know where to park.

As difficult as it may be to find an available parking space, it may be worth spending a little extra time to find a safe spot. Choose a well-lit spot. This will make it less likely that someone will choose you as a target because it's easier to hide when it's dark, and you can't see your car or what's behind it very well.

6. Tell the repairman you live with people.

It may help to pretend that you don't live alone if you feel the repairman is asking too many personal questions. Let him know that you're not the only one in the house or that you're expecting people to arrive soon. That way, if he tries to come back later, he'll know you're with people. It's also important to remember that you can always check their ID and call the company they work for to make sure that they are the ones who sent them.

7. Check your car.

Before getting into your car, check the area around it from a distance to make sure no one is hiding. Don't forget to bend down and look under the car. Once you're done with the outside, be sure to check the inside as well.

8. Pretend you don’t speak the language.

There are several ways to respond to catcalling, and sometimes, this is the best way to get rid of unwanted attention. Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is to not engage with them at all, by acting confused and like you don't understand a word they're saying. Just walk away, shrug your shoulders, and say a phrase or two in another language.

9. Carry a flashlight.

Having a powerful flashlight in your pocket can come in handy in a variety of situations. For example, a flashlight is a better option than the light on your phone when you're out walking at night. First, a flashlight is less appealing to robbers than your phone. Second, if someone attacks you, you can use the flashlight to hit the attacker or to signal for help if you can't scream or make a phone call.

A flashlight can also be used to blind the attacker and give you time to escape. That's why it's always a good idea to keep a flashlight by your bed when staying in a hotel.

10. Ask workers not to announce your room number.

If you're checking into a hotel, ask the clerk to write down your room number on a piece of paper instead of saying it out loud because someone might overhear. If for some reason they announce it anyway, there's no shame in asking for another room and explaining that it's important that no one overhears this time.

11. Give a man’s name when placing a food delivery order.

When people you don't know come to your house, it can be important to make sure you do things safely, whether it's a food delivery person or a handyman. If you order takeout, you can make the order in a man's name so that the delivery person thinks a man lives there, or at least that you're not alone when they deliver the food.

12. Ask for 2 sets of keys.

If you're traveling alone, ask for two sets of keys at the front desk when you check in, if possible. People around you will think you're traveling with someone and aren't an easy target. You could even mention that to the hotel staff and for others to hear.

13. Carry a door stop.

Unfortunately, hotel locks are not always the most reliable. They could be easy to pick, and in the event that a key gets lost or possibly stolen, the locks aren't always replaced. For extra security, use a doorstop when you shower, sleep at night, or anytime you're indoors.

14. You can disable your Face ID by saying, "Hey Siri, whose phone is this?"

If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone tries to unlock your phone using your Face ID, you can ask Siri whose phone it is to make the phone inaccessible without entering a password.

15. Know where to stand in an elevator.

If there's enough room in the elevator and you can choose where to stand, try standing next to the control panel. Stand with your back to the side wall. This way, you'll be able to see everyone in the elevator. Standing facing the exit with your back to the people behind you is not a good idea. If a suspicious person enters the elevator, press as many buttons as possible and get out immediately.

16. Choose the right seat on public transport.

If it's not too crowded, and you have a choice of a seat on public transportation, take your time and do just that. An aisle seat close to the driver is better. That way, you can avoid being cornered. It is also easier to get out if someone is bothering you. It's also not a good idea to stand near the exit. Someone might grab your purse when the doors open.

But remember, your safety doesn’t stop here. Join us in our next article as we explore key strategies for staying secure online.


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