15 Times the Same Costumes Appeared Twice in Different Movies or TV Series

2 years ago

Hollywood and the entertainment industry are way smaller than people think and that often shows when celebrities wear the same outfits. And we’re not talking about red carpet clothes, but about clothes the characters of famous movies and TV series wear. The same clothes circulate between productions and especially when the stylists are the same in different productions.

1. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, 2003 — Friends, 2004

2. Pride & Prejudice, 2005 — Sense and Sensibility, 2008

3. Friends, 1994 — Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party, 2016

4. The Nanny, 1993 — Casino, 1995

5. Elizabeth, 1998 — Camelot, 2011

6. Mad Men, 2009 — The Help, 2011

7. Your Higness, 2011 — Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, 2019

8. Gossip Girl, 2010 — The Carrie Diaries, 2013

9. Finding Neverland, 2004 — Downton Abbey, 2010

10. Snow White and the Huntsman, 2012 — Once Upon a Time, 2017

11. Dangerous Liaisons, 1988 — Hocus Pocus, 1993

12. Waiting for the Light, 1990 — Hairspray, 2007

13. Manolete, 2008 — Brooklyn, 2015

14. The Duchess, 2008 — The Scandalous Lady W, 2015

15. Friends, 2001 — Sex and the City, 2005

Have you noticed any other outfits that have been worn more than once and in different movies or series?


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