We’ve all encountered those questions that leave us feeling uncomfortable, even a little hurt. It’s like they’re trying to pry into our lives, maybe even hoping to make themselves feel better by putting us on the spot. Is it envy, bad manners, or just plain curiosity? And when those questions come from loved ones, it can be even more challenging to navigate. We don’t want to be rude, but we also don’t want to sacrifice our own feelings and self-respect.
2. Embrace what they said.
3. Don’t we all hate it when people tell us to have a smile on our face?
4. Unfortunately, there are some family members who ask too many tactless questions.
5. There are times when it is better to make a joke than to hurt someone’s feelings.
7. Ask them why it’s so important for them to know.
8. Switch to “goofy girl” mode when someone violates your personal boundaries.
11. Neutralize the effect of rude comments.
12. Give a piece of advice instead of a direct answer.
14. Sometimes one should become confrontational.
15. Sometimes an honest answer is the funniest answer.
16. This is the universal answer: Don’t do the things you don’t want to do.
17. Use their own words against them to shut them down.
18. Turn your answer into a parallel question.
You’ve learned how to gracefully handle those awkward questions, but what about those sharp, sometimes even hurtful comments? We’ve all been there!
Stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll unveil 14 witty comebacks that will leave you feeling confident and in control.
Please note: This article was updated in December 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Illustrated by Leisan Gabidullina for Now I've Seen Everything