18 Mystery Finds That Made People Question Their Sanity

7 months ago

Every day, we encounter little, odd things that can leave us feeling confused. These puzzling discoveries may make us scratch our heads, but we’re lucky because there are people on the internet who know a lot and are always ready to give us the correct answers to clear up our confusion.

1. ’’It’s hard and plastic. What is it?!’’

2. “I found it on the bottom of a drawer. It’s made from rigid, translucent plastic. Is it what I think it is?!”

3. ’’What is this heavy yellow tray? Maybe rubber coated metal, about the size of my hand.’’

  • ’’It’s a shaving bowl thing. My dad had one. You mix the shaving cream and water in the bowl.’’
    © vigilantepro / Reddit

4. ’’What is this thing in the middle of the wall in my 1906 house?!’’

5. ’’We have about 10 of these around our house and neither my wife nor I know what they are.’’

  • ’’These are cheap elastic bands for books. They keep them from opening in backpacks.’’ © YBDum / Reddit

6. ’’What is this type of clamp used for?’’

  • That’s a gang lock for lockout/tagout. You place this on a breaker when multiple people are working on equipment to keep people from turning the equipment on. © Impossible_Ad9947 / Reddit

7. ’’I found these among my boyfriend’s stuff. What are they?!’’

8. ’’What is this thing with two handles and two rails?’’

9. ’’It’s metal, and relatively flexible but I feel at one point it would break. What is it?’’

10. ’’I found it on my window.’’

11. ’’Surprisingly heavy blob of metal, scorched at the top. I found it in the street near a van.’’

12. ’’My father-in-law sent this for my kids, but we have NO CLUE what it is!’’

  • ’’It’s a sprinkler. My mother used to fill an empty soda bottle with water, cork it with this thing and sprinkle water on clothing she was ironing to dampen them.’’ © LenVT / Reddit

13. ’’Two flat metal round disks with long stem attached by hinges. No markings. Found in a new kitchen.’’

14. ’’This was thrown into our garden. It’s a pink modelling clay surrounding a metallic item.’’

  • ’’It’s a lead or tungsten Worm Weight used for fishing. It’s wrapped in indicator putty,’’ © ozzenfeffer / Reddit

15. ’’What’s this tool consisting of a wooden handle and two movable metal parts?’’

16. ’’The one on top looks like a safety pin, but I have no idea what the others are.’’

17. How on earth do you wear this thing?

If you want to learn more about strange objects and their mysteries, this article might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Preview photo credit theMstates / Reddit


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