18 Pics That Seem to Belong to a Parallel Universe

2 years ago

It’s the sights that are completely out of the ordinary that make us feel alive and remind us that not everything needs to follow a certain rule. After all, eccentricity is the best way to spice up life and keep it far from boredom. And when it comes to funky surprises, there is no one that can do it better than Mother Nature herself.

Now I’ve Seen Everything is a huge fan of unexpected sights and wants to share some pics that will make you want to rub your eyes in disbelief.

1. ’’My extra finger.’’

2. ’’We grew an eggplant that looks like the poop emoji.’’

3. “If Thanos was into fashion, these would be his boots.”

4. “I found some green chips in my bag today.”

5. “Found this smiling potato at work.”

6. “The peas in this pod are shaped like cubes.”

7. “The tinting on my sunglasses causes this electronic menu to disappear when looked through.”

8. “This Japanese-style peanut looks like a skull.”

9. “Today, I saw Captain America driving a motorcycle.”

10. “An apple on an apple”

11. “These airport charging stations look like happy little chaps wearing top hats.”

12. “A dress made out of tea bags”

13. “There’s Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, then Caravaggio, Bartolomeo, Domenico, Sandro, and Bronzino, right?”

14. “A guy dressed as the Joker riding a motorcycle”

15. So, who’s not a real person here?

16. ’’This weird lemon that grew on our lemon tree.’’

17. This bakery with bread shaped like a bear, a crab, a scorpion, and a croc

18. ’’The way this apple grew between branches.’’

Have you ever seen anything ridiculously funny yourself? Has the universe ever made you smile and give you a good laugh? Please share your stories in the comments below. And don’t forget to attach some photos too.

Preview photo credit doi11 / reddit, doi11 / reddit


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