20+ Celebs Who Magically Changed Their Grins

6 months ago

In Hollywood, a dazzling smile can be a star’s secret weapon. While talent is crucial, the impact of a perfect set of pearly whites is undeniable. Many celebrities have undergone remarkable dental transformations, turning their once-imperfect grins into red carpet-ready smiles.

These20+ stars have invested in their smiles, boosting not only their confidence but also their on-screen presence and public image. Join us as we explore these stunning transformations that have lit up screens and magazines worldwide.

1. Cristiano Ronaldo

2. Mark Ruffalo

3. Zac Efron

4. Tom Cruise

Screen Prod / Photononstop / East News, Tom Belcher / Capital Pictures / East News

5. Jennifer Garner

6. Miley Cyrus

7. Nicole Kidman

8. Snooki

9. Catherine Zeta-Jones

Robert Hepler / Everett Collection / East News, Charles Sykes / Invision / AP / East News

10. Michael Douglas

WARNER BROTHERS / Album / East News, © Featureflash / Depositphotos.com

11. Emma Thompson

PHOTOlink / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, © PopluarImages / Depositphotos.com

12. Blake Lively

13. LeAnn Rimes

Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot. / East News, © s_bukley / Depositphotos.com

14. Drew Barrymore

15. Faye Dunaway

Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot. / East News, © Jean_Nelson / Depositphotos.com

16. Jennifer Hudson

17. David Bowie

AFP / East News, AFP / East News

18. George Clooney

19. Niall Horan

18. Prince Harry

AFP / East News

21. Kylie Jenner

22. Amanda Seyfried

© mingey / Instagram, Invision / Invision / East News

24. Dakota Johnson

Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP / East News, © dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

But wait, there’s more! Ever wonder how many celebs owe their dazzling grins to good old-fashioned braces? Check out our next story to see 13 hotties who transformed their smiles with the help of some metal and wires.


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