9 Curious Secrets Carefully Hidden in Popular Cartoons

2 months ago

There are scenes in popular cartoons that are actually more geared toward adults than kids. This is why many internet users enjoy hunting for these subtle details in animated films, spotting intriguing features and clever character moments. We've gathered 9 such instances that have sparked lively discussions online. As a bonus, we’ll share the curious story behind Shrek’s iconic toilet.











The crescent moon on Shrek's restroom door may have originally been a symbol for the women's restroom. According to one version, restrooms were once marked with simple signs that even illiterate people could understand. The crescent moon was used to denote women's restrooms, while the sun represented men's restrooms. These symbols were not chosen arbitrarily: from ancient times, the moon has symbolized the feminine, while the sun has symbolized the masculine.

It is believed that, over time, the crescent moon became the primary restroom symbol. Various explanations are given for this. One reason is that men's restrooms became unnecessary, as men could easily relieve themselves outdoors. Another explanation is that men's restrooms were so dirty that many people, regardless of gender, preferred using the women's restrooms.

Be sure to check out our other article, where we showcase moments when animated movies surprised us with clever Easter eggs and captivating details.

Preview photo credit Shrek / DreamWorks Animation


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