Guy Quietly Hid Engagement Ring in Photos With Girlfriend a Month Before Proposing

Today, we’ve got an amazing story that shows how surprises can sneak up on us. Meet Edi, the star of our story, who was trying to figure out the perfect way to propose to his girlfriend. But here’s the twist — he came up with a funny idea to take secret pictures of the ring and put together a whole bunch of snapshots.

Edi was wondering about how to pop the question to her.

While Edi Okoro was wrapping his head around how to pop the question to his girlfriend, Cally, he had something different in mind, yet equally surprising. But, considering he labels himself as a “spontaneous improviser,” a run-of-the-mill proposal plan wasn’t his style. He turned it into a memorable and amusing situation.

In his post, he put it this way, “Those who have gone through this, you want to propose in a way that speaks to you as a person and couple.” Okoro had the idea of proposing and even had a stunning ring all set. Yet, even though he was itching to ask the big question, he was waiting for that perfect moment.

“Some plan a flash mob, a fancy meal, or even arrange a marry me sign. I couldn’t do it,” he said, revealing that if he had booked a getaway or a lavish lunch, his girlfriend would have known immediately that he was ready to propose. Thus, he took the ring everywhere, “hoping the ’moment’ would arise in line with my spontaneous style.”

He opted for something unconventional

Over time, as Okoro tells it, he started carrying the ring around and was determined to begin capturing these moments. Eventually, he ended up with around 20 photos and 2 videos, all of them showing Read without her having any clue that she was being photographed with her future engagement ring.

“The idea was to take as many photos as possible, in more daring scenarios, until I found the perfect moment to propose, or until I got caught, at which point I would propose!” Okoro wrote.

They snapped some photos around the house while Read wasn’t looking. Others were taken while she was asleep, not knowing about the ring at all — it even ended up in her hand in one of the pictures.

When Edi decided to go on this “adventure,” he was testing his luck, showing that there’s no such thing as perfect timing, just good moments to seize. Even though it took him a bit to propose, nothing compares to the joy these photos bring, memories they’ll treasure in the future.

Over the course of about a month, he continually carried the covert ring with him and captured all these pictures. While scrolling through the photos, we can see him showing off the ring on outdoor adventures or while shopping, and in each one of them, we can clearly spot Edi’s emotions. His face is full of pure and genuine joy, and every picture conveys his excitement over the impending proposal.

The official proposal finally took place

After many shots and amusing videos, Edi eventually felt it was time to reveal the secret he had concealed from his fiancée for over a month. Okoro said in another post that he’d finally proposed to Read, and she said “yes” without hesitation.

“We took this photo not long after she said YES,” he wrote. “She didn’t know about this library until several weeks later.” He added, “My smile is a ’you know nothing, Cally Read’ smile.”

He doesn’t spill the beans about what went down during the big reveal, but we’re guessing she was beyond happy to see how much her soon-to-be hubby cared. And in a photo they just posted, the adorable couple seems to have wrapped up their day by walking down the aisle.

This kind of proposal is pretty cute and funny, but at the same time, we all adore weddings and everything that goes along with them.


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