
16 People Who Can Knock You Out or Make You Chuckle With Just a Few Words

16 People Who Can Knock You Out or Make You Chuckle With Just a Few Words
month ago

Laughter is an essential part of our lives, adding joy and lightness to our days. It’s truly delightful when someone can effortlessly make others laugh with a clever remark or a funny action. However, there are times when an attempt at humor leaves us more confused than amused, resulting in puzzlement instead of laughter.

20+ People Who Probably Had a Worse Week Than You

20+ People Who Probably Had a Worse Week Than You
year ago

Life has funny ways of surprising us. Sometimes it bestows us with miracles and good things, but in order to create a balance, it also throws some infuriating things along our way. For instance, you pay a fortune for a dream haircut but it ends up looking like a disaster, or your phone charger breaks in a time of emergency. We found such unfortunate yet funny moments below to be thankful for the good things happening to us.

15+ Stories That Prove Kids Are Absolutely Savage

15+ Stories That Prove Kids Are Absolutely Savage
year ago

The way a kid’s mind works always leaves an adult amused. But little do we know, they can turn out to be sassy without any harm too. Sometimes their small observations about our appearance or maybe some witty reply in a normal conversation can be genius, enlightening, embarrassing, or all of them at once. We love to gather stories about such instances where children can be too savage for this beautiful world. Read on to find out more.

20 Pics That Prove Kids Are All We Need to Cure Boredom

20 Pics That Prove Kids Are All We Need to Cure Boredom
year ago

Children are constant sources of entertainment. Thanks to their innocence, natural charms and carefree attitude. And you’ll never know what random stunt they’ll pull. Just like these kids, who brought a bunch of giggles to their families with their funny tricks and silly behavior.

16 Photos That Prove Family Life Is Often a Comedy Series

16 Photos That Prove Family Life Is Often a Comedy Series
year ago

You must have noticed that most of the times, dads are more relaxed when taking care of their kids. According to a study, the explanation lies in the fact that dads usually do recreational activities with their children and mainly on the weekends. On the other hand, mothers usually take care of their kids’ needs on a daily basis and without their partner being present. So, naturally, fathers have more energy to be the funny and entertaining parent.

13 Kids Who Prove That Being a Parent Means Never Feeling Bored

13 Kids Who Prove That Being a Parent Means Never Feeling Bored
year ago

Being a parent can be very tough. It can also be stressful, fulfilling, amazing, and lots of other things, except boring. Kids seem to have it as their goal to make sure their parents’ days are never the same. They manage to erase the dullness of life with their curious outlook on life, and we should appreciate it even if sometimes children’s creativity adds problems to our list. Let’s look at some pics that prove it.

15+ Children Who Can Creep Out Even The Bravest People

15+ Children Who Can Creep Out Even The Bravest People
year ago

Small children often say silly things that entertain not only their parents and older siblings but also everyone who hears the stories about them. Probably, each parent could do a full stand-up performance with their kids’ funny phrases. However, there are also times when they say something weird or outright creepy.

20 Pics That Prove Life With Kids Is Both a Thriller and a Soap Opera

20 Pics That Prove Life With Kids Is Both a Thriller and a Soap Opera
year ago

All families are as different as apples and oranges, but there’s one thing that stays the same for probably all happy unions. It’s the absence of boredom when there’re kids in the family. Our today’s heroes are people who captured some really outstanding shots and are ready to share their treasures with the whole world. They are the living proof that a child in the house is a hurricane of different emotions for their parents.

26 Pics That Prove Children’s Thoughts Defy Any Logic

26 Pics That Prove Children’s Thoughts Defy Any Logic
year ago

Even though they are our closest and most beloved beings, it is still impossible to predict what’s going on in our children’s minds and what they’ll do next. And the moment they get so quiet is when parents are most nervous, because they know that a major and probably unpleasant surprise is coming their way.

15 People Who Are the Stars in Their Own Comedy

15 People Who Are the Stars in Their Own Comedy
2 years ago

Laughter might truly be the best remedy since it can help fight depression, says a study. But that’s not the only benefit, there’s a whole list of them. Fortunately, the world is full of folks who take every opportunity possible to make a joke. That even means turning a possible tough situation into an hysterical anecdote.

15 People Who Prove That a Sense of Humor Is an Essential Life Skill

15 People Who Prove That a Sense of Humor Is an Essential Life Skill
2 years ago

Laughter is probably one of the best gifts we can give and receive. It gives us the happy hormones we need, improves our cardiovascular health, lightens up our mood, and boosts our immune system. Humor at home or in the work place can also diffuse tension, and it gives us temporary relief from life’s challenges.

15+ Unlucky Times Where People Probably Went “Why Me?”

15+ Unlucky Times Where People Probably Went “Why Me?”
2 years ago

When something unfortunate happens to us, we often try to look for answers. We question why it happened, or why out of the almost 8 billion people in the world, we were the ones who got picked in the universe’s “unlucky draw.” But life is unpredictable, and the best we can do in these tricky situations is to breathe and treat them as learning experiences.

We Still Can’t Believe That These 21 Awkward Tweets Came From Real People

We Still Can’t Believe That These 21 Awkward Tweets Came From Real People
year ago

Nobody’s perfect, and everyone’s bound to make mistakes — including really embarrassing ones. And since we can’t avoid awkward situations, the best strategy is to deal with them head-on. However, the people in this article may have had some difficulties keeping their heads high after their humiliating, but extremely funny, behavior.

17 People Whose Secret Super Power Is to Make Others Laugh

17 People Whose Secret Super Power Is to Make Others Laugh
2 years ago

People who have a sense of humor may be a cut above the rest, as research says funny individuals tend to have a higher IQ. Luckily, some of those who were blessed with the skill to make others laugh, understood that with great power comes great responsibility. So they used their comedic talents to spread cheer around them.

15+ Times Internet Users Faced a Disappointment That Was Hard to Describe

15+ Times Internet Users Faced a Disappointment That Was Hard to Describe
2 years ago

Not everything in life goes according to plan all the time, so we’re destined to deal with disappointment here and there. Usually, it becomes an unpleasant surprise as it seems to await us in the most unexpected moments possible. Like when you’re almost finished a puzzle, and suddenly realize the last piece doesn’t fit, or some of the leaves in your salad are made of plastic.

15+ Pics That Told Us a Whole Story in One Shot

15+ Pics That Told Us a Whole Story in One Shot
2 years ago

Some photographs are like storybooks — they contain little details that when put together, describe a full narrative. The facial expression of the subjects, the composition of the shot, and even the things around them, all contribute to the plot that the image is trying to convey.

15 Times the Essence of Parenting Was Hilariously Captured in a Pic

15 Times the Essence of Parenting Was Hilariously Captured in a Pic
2 years ago

Life with children is a never-ending rollercoaster ride. The experience of parenting is hard to put into words, so we’re grateful that photos speak volumes. In fact, some moms and dads out there were able to illustrate to a T what it’s all like. From having their daughter beg to wear a cone of shame to finding cereal inside their toilet brush handle, these parents deal with everything with a great sense of humor.

15 People Who Were So Clueless They Made Us Smile

15 People Who Were So Clueless They Made Us Smile
2 years ago

It’s not uncommon to be with others, trying to take a picture, and one of them is not doing what the others are. Maybe it’s accidental or deliberate miscommunication, but the results are usually super funny and entertaining. Because let’s face it, if everyone was identical we wouldn’t be looking at them with the same level of interest.

15 Pets Whose Behavior Is So Unusual It Requires a Manual

15 Pets Whose Behavior Is So Unusual It Requires a Manual
2 years ago

Just like humans, pets aren’t all the same and depending on the species and the breed their behavior changes. Or maybe some of them like imitating their humans and their antics. The result is often super funny and luckily their human friends are there to keep a memento of them in their phones forever.

18 Pictures That Definitely Need an Explanation

18 Pictures That Definitely Need an Explanation
2 years ago

No matter how many years go by on this Earth and how many things we see, there will always be stuff that amazes us. Pizzas that are very wrongly cut and other mistakes that people do while on the job will always be fun to watch. But maybe they are not entirely fun sometimes since they can turn out to be very tricky at times.

20 Photos Showing How Sometimes Life Serves You a Bad Meal

20 Photos Showing How Sometimes Life Serves You a Bad Meal
2 years ago

Unlucky, bad things don’t always happen on Friday the 13th or after you’ve crossed paths with a black cat. We all get unlucky from time to time and it’s nothing but a matter of circumstance. No, we may not be thrilled about how things go, but all we can do is move on.

15+ Expectation vs Reality Pics That Could Lead to Trust Issues

15+ Expectation vs Reality Pics That Could Lead to Trust Issues
2 years ago

Advertisements or sample photos are there to give us an idea of what to expect. Unfortunately, there are times when expectations and reality arrive at completely different places. And when these mishaps happen, they can either be extremely disappointing or frustratingly funny.

15 Hilarious Photos That Show Toddler Logic in All Its Glory

15 Hilarious Photos That Show Toddler Logic in All Its Glory
2 years ago

Kids can do things that seem absolutely crazy to adults. And while kid logic might not make any sense, it can definitely make you laugh. From a unique way to eat bananas to mastering the art of “duck face,” kids know how to turn your life into a comedy show.

15+ Times Kids’ Sense of Humor Could Outshine Any Comedian’s

15+ Times Kids’ Sense of Humor Could Outshine Any Comedian’s
2 years ago

Sabotaging a work call with a hilarious prank or photobombing a wedding picture — sometimes kids’ sense of humor can be a little out of control. However, no one can deny the fact that such behavior makes each day of their parents unique and fun (for the most part).

15 Animals Whose Derp Levels Blew the Scale

15 Animals Whose Derp Levels Blew the Scale
2 years ago

Animals bring adventure into people’s lives. The fact that they’re completely unpredictable is part of what makes sharing a home with them so much fun. One second everything is quiet and the other you find your dog playing in the cat’s tree, or your cat sitting in its new water bowl. It makes for never-ending entertainment.

15 People Who Left The Groomers With a Whole Different Pet

15 People Who Left The Groomers With a Whole Different Pet
2 years ago

Furry pets sometimes need a bit of hairstyling. However, in some cases, the before-and-afters are so extreme, we don’t recognize our animals at first glance. Whether it’s a dog that got a bowl cut or a cat that now looks like a dinosaur, the trip to the groomers doesn’t always turn out as we expect.

15 Hysterical Animals That Could Star in Their Own Sitcom

15 Hysterical Animals That Could Star in Their Own Sitcom
2 years ago

All animals are special, but some take it up a notch. From standing like a person when they beg to being overly excited about soap bubbles, in a second, animals can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. Even though not everyone is a pet owner, we can all enjoy their amusing actions online.

20+ Dogs That Are Not Too Sure About How to Be a Dog

20+ Dogs That Are Not Too Sure About How to Be a Dog
2 years ago

Dogs are very smart and can do lots of unusual and important things no one else can. For example, they can be trained to smell diseases, such as cancer, protect artwork, or detect electronics. However, they can also feel like being goofy sometimes and behave differently than we expect them to.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Are the Real Bosses of the House

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Are the Real Bosses of the House
2 years ago

Pet cats are like furry rebels who have no regard for house rules. For example, they sit and lounge wherever they like — on top of clean clothes, inside the dish rack, and even right on their owner’s face. But we can’t resist their charm, and despite their mischievous ways, we still love those little furballs.

15 Times People Caught Their Pets Being Adorable Goofs on Camera

15 Times People Caught Their Pets Being Adorable Goofs on Camera
2 years ago

It seems like all pets are funny and adorable with no exceptions. With that, where there are our furry friends, there will inevitably be some kind of a mess. They might get completely covered with mud, try to learn how to walk on the ceiling, or get stuck on a swing in the funniest way possible.