I Spied on My Daughter and Uncovered a Shocking Truth That Shattered Our Family

month ago

A woman sent us a letter in which she confessed to being excessively worried about her 18-year-old daughter and decided to track her, uncovering a shocking secret. However, our readers sided with the daughter, accusing the mother of spying on her.

This is Serena’s letter:

Our readers unanimously concluded that in this case, it is not the daughter’s actions that raise questions, but the mother’s actions:

  • Totally wrong, especially if the family was too afraid to even approach the subject with you. You are too controlling and judgmental. Let your adult daughter pick her own career and stand back as she soars. © Virginia Lacy King / Facebook
  • Her secret wasn’t disgusting. Your behavior and absolute control over your daughter is. Shame on you. © Amy Marie Connell / Facebook
  • This person needs to ask herself why her husband and daughter felt they couldn’t tell her in the first place. Seems they didn’t trust her. Seems they were right not to. © Keith Hanley / Facebook
  • Although your motives are pure love and concern for her, it is really not your decision to make for her. I am glad your daughter pursued her dream, and I am guessing she might be a little more attentive as a mother. © Hanita Atoun / Facebook
  • Personally, I’d just have told her flat I’m not going to college, I’m doing beauty. End day she’s adult her choice, her decision. © Julie Burgess / Facebook
  • Your behavior is unacceptable. You are so disconnected from your daughter that she was afraid to tell you about her desires, and you couldn’t even ask her what she wants in life. If I were in your daughter’s place, I would be deeply hurt by such a controlling and suppressive mother, whom even her husband is afraid to contradict. © Lucy Hems / Facebook

It would seem that a mother and daughter should be the closest people to each other. However, conflicts between them are not uncommon. Here’s the story of another woman who refused to babysit her daughter’s children.

Preview photo credit Timur Weber / Pexels


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