Run Will run. Become your own man again.
“No Chance of Them Being Happy Together Again,” Jada Pinkett Smith’s Close Ones Reveal Sorrowful Details
The relationship between Jada and Will Smith appears to be going through a rough patch. Several weeks following their separation announcement, individuals close to Jada have chosen to openly discuss the decline of their relationship. They’ve acknowledged what Jada might not be willing to share publicly.
The course of their future as a couple is currently unclear.
A startling revelation about her marriage emerged during a recent interview and was further discussed in an open conversation on a morning talk show. Jada revealed that she and her husband, Will Smith, have silently lived apart for the past seven years. They originally tied the knot in 1997 and are currently navigating an uncertain future together.
In the talk show discussion, Jada provided insights into the breakdown of her relationship with Will Smith. The actress explained, “By the time we got to 2016, we were just exhausted with trying. I think we were both still stuck in our fantasy of what we thought the other person should be.”
Despite being separated, the two have no intention to file for divorce.

In her book, the actress drew a parallel between their separation and a ’divorce,’ even though no formal legal documentation had been submitted. Jada expressed in her writing, “It was not a divorce on paper. But it was a divorce.” During the interview, she openly discussed her thoughts about pursuing a legal divorce.
The actress admitted that she had considered the idea but ultimately couldn’t proceed with it. She honestly disclosed that she had made a ’promise’ to her husband, vowing not to give him any ’reason’ for a divorce. This pledge significantly influenced her decision-making process.
“I made a promise that there will never be a reason for us to get a divorce... We will work through whatever. And I just haven’t been able to break that promise,” the actress affirmed during the interview. When questioned, “But you still live separately?” Jada replied with a candid confirmation, saying, “We live separately.”
Close friends believe their relationship will never be the same again.
Despite living separate lives, shortly after the heart-wrenching announcement, Jada mentioned that they were attempting to mend their relationship and that he was “still her man.” These contradictory statements have left her friends and the public perplexed, but those who are closer to her have no doubts that the damage is irreversible.
“There is no chance she and Will will get back to what they once were,” one source revealed in an interview. “Jada’s friends and those who know her are telling her to make up her mind when it comes to her story.”
“Everyone feels like she is now drafting two narratives, and it is completely confusing everyone because, in actuality, they are separated, and there is no chance of them getting back to the happily married partners that they once were,” they added.
Recently, it was disclosed that Meryl Streep and Don Gummer, who had been married for 45 years, have also separated and have been living apart for over six years.
See you in GI Jane 2!

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