“Poor Tori!” Tori Spelling’s Return Sparks Debate Over Unrecognizable Look

Tori Spelling went through a tough divorce after 18 years of marriage, faced financial problems while living in a trailer with her children, and is now making a triumphant return to the world of show business. However, some have noticed something unusual about her appearance.

zz/NPX/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News

The actress from Beverly Hills, 90210 filed for divorce after nearly 18 years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences. Spelling’s petition indicates that they have been separated since June 17, 2023. She is seeking sole physical custody and joint legal custody of their three sons and two daughters, aged 7 to 17.

Physical custody pertains to where the children primarily reside, while legal custody involves decisions regarding their major life matters.

Gilbert Flores/Broadimage/EAST NEWS

Back in 2016, Spelling shared about the efforts to salvage their marriage, stating, “We’re not just still here, but we’re bonded and solidified as a couple.” She emphasized the need to start anew and rebuild their relationship. Additionally, during an August 2020 interview, Spelling delved into the scandal, sharing her “biggest fear” concerning their relationship.

“I was like, he’s going to cheat on me, he’s going to cheat on me, he’s going to cheat on me,” she explained. “So when it happened, I was like, ’See, I always thought from day one he was going to cheat on me,’ and it wasn’t about him, that was about me. I was like, ’Okay, I know I’m not good enough,’ that’s how I felt about myself and one day he’s going to realize that, and he’s gonna find someone else.”

After the divorce, the actress went through difficult times. She lived in a trailer with her children. Moving into a mobile home is a sign of significant financial problems, and some insiders confirm that the star is indeed facing financial difficulties. However, one of them also stated that she and her husband are doing very well and that all these motel situations have nothing to do with their separation.

When all these troubles were behind her, Tori began to revive her career. She is increasingly appearing on the red carpets of various events and is participating in the show Dancing with the Stars. While some praise Spelling for her courage, strength, and youthful appearance, others criticize her looks.“What has Tori done to her face?”, “Poor Tori.”, “What is wrong with Tori’s chest. It looks distorted between her breasts. Not a good look.”

Take a look at other soap opera actors and actresses and how they have changed.


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