12 People Shared Family Secrets That Unfolded into Real Drama

Every marriage is unique, and only the people in it can decide their own rules. Cheating feels like a deep betrayal and can break a marriage. But sometimes, couples find a way to heal and stay together. This woman shared her story about cheating on her husband 13 times — and how she’s now working hard to rebuild their relationship and save their marriage.
A woman, 28, started her post, saying, “I know that I’m a horrible person, and I’m incredibly lucky to even have a second chance to save my marriage after single-handedly destroying everything sacred in this relationship.”
She continues her story and provides shocking details. The woman wrote, “I cheated with multiple people over the course of about a year. It was mostly a series of one-night stands, even though there were two people that I met up with more than once. My husband unfortunately had to tolerate a lot of bad things from me when he found out, I lied about things, I blame-shifted, gaslighted him and manipulated him and tried to make it seem like he’s overreacting.”
When some users asked her about the reasoning behind her infidelity, the woman honestly replied to them in the comments. She explained, “I think more people need to understand this, because it is often implied that cheating only happens in a bad primary relationship. In truth, there isn’t always a ’motive’.”
“Sure, some people who cheat are in broken marriages. But many people are in broken marriages, and not everyone cheats. There are also people like me who are in perfectly healthy marriages and still cheat. I honestly think there’s zero correlation between having a bad marriage and cheating, and anyone who says otherwise in lying to themselves.”
“No, I didn’t resent my husband, and there was nothing wrong with our love life. There is no ’motive’. As I said, I did it because I wanted to. I had everything and I still wanted more because I was selfish, and I didn’t have empathy for how my husband would feel. It really is just as simple as that. It is like a child who has a packet full of sweets and still wants more.”
The woman goes on with her confession, saying, «It took me a serious threat of divorce and a temporary separation to understand just how much I was about to lose. Since then, I have done everything I can: I came clean, we’ve had conversations about my affairs, recently I also did a written disclosure with the help of our marriage counselor. I have been attending therapy as well.»
Her husband is trying to save their marriage, too. The woman wrote, «It has been a year and a half since we started reconciling and while our marriage is in a tough spot, I’m very happy that my husband is starting to recover! His coping strategy from my betrayal was to overwork himself and avoid dealing with the emotions. Slowly, he has started to smile more, getting back into old hobbies, spending more time with their friends. He doesn’t trust me very much, which is obvious after my betrayal and I do everything I can to maintain a sense of accountability.»
When a user asked the OP in the comments about why her husband ever gave her a second chance and why the OP decided to take it, the woman opened up about their family struggle and recovery. She wrote, «Well, my husband is really still figuring things out and giving me a second chance to see if I’m really worthy of their love and trust. He can leave at any moment if he feels like he’s not getting what he wants out of our marriage.»
«I took the chance because I want to be with him. I want to be a better person from now onwards, regardless of whether our marriage survives or not. I reject my selfishness, my apathy, my cruelty, my entitlement. I don’t want to be that person. I don’t want to have any more affairs.»
«I have hurt my partner enough. They have given me enough unconditional love to last ten lifetimes. It is my turn this time. Also, my husband is amazing, and my marriage was the most stable and loving relationship I have ever had before I decided to mess it up. So I’m also doing it for me, in some ways.»
The woman continued her post, saying, that her husband is a person she now fully admires, and she realized that having a short-term relationship with anyone wasn’t worth losing the dearest person in her life.
She revealed, “He has also started to open up to me about his feelings! We have long conversations about all that has happened, and he often expresses that he’s glad I’m not being defensive like before. I will always be ashamed of what I’ve done, it disgusts me to think about the way I behaved, the selfishness of it all, the entitlement. It makes me want to punch myself.”
“But I’m finally starting to be hopeful about our marriage. My husband is an amazing man and I would be a fool to squander this second chance, so I’m trying my best to be the best wife I can be.”
Question: Did you only stop because you got caught? Also how did he catch you?
Answer: Yes. As much as it pains me to admit, I most likely would never have confessed. I simply lacked the self-reflection and empathy to stop and look at my selfishness. I admire people who were able to get out of it without being caught. I wish I was more like them. He went through my phone and saw messages.
Question: Do you have children together?
Answer: No children. Yes, we tested immediately after it came out.
Question:Were you still sleeping with your husband during that year and a half of you living your best life?
Answer:Yes. It is one of the pain points of reconciliation and some of the hardest stuff I’ve had to disclose. We’re working through it.
Question: Did he want to know who all the people are that you’ve cheated with and/or details of the encounters?
Answer: Yes, there were 13 people in total. He has all of the information.
Question: Were you using joint finances to pay for hotels or gifts for your partners, or buying yourself nice things to wear for them?
Answer: No.
Question: Do you think you would be as forgiving as your husband is if he had done this to you?
Answer: To quote from another comment of mine, I don’t think anybody can predict how they’ll react in such a situation. The sort of raw emotions and psychological turmoil at having your world turned upside down is hard to imagine for someone who hasn’t gone through it.
Only the people in a marriage can define what “cheating” means to them. Some couples have open marriages, while others prefer monogamy. What’s most important is setting clear rules and understanding from the start so that both partners know what to expect. This way, trust and respect stay strong in the relationship.