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“When you have pink hair but corporate does not approve, so you wear terrible wigs,” was the decision of a 29-year-old woman, whose employers banned her hair color. She started to cover up her pink hair with the most ridiculous wigs, so that every customer could notice it. And her challenge got viral very quickly.
Emily Benschoter turned to TikTok to share her journey at her new workplace, but with the twist that she can never show her pink hair while she’s on duty. She only found out the fact after she had already been interviewed and offered the position, a front-of-house role in the hospitality industry, because there was no prior contact with her employers in-person or over video chat during the hiring process.
Her manager then suggested she wore a wig and that’s when she decided to pick the funniest ones she could find. Her first TikTok video with the first wig went up on July 19, 2023, and it read: “When you have pink hair, but corporate does not approve, so you wear terrible wigs.”
Since then, people have become invested in her wig choices and her clips have been viewed millions of times. “The worse the wig, the better,” she admitted in an interview. “It is a way to open up the conversation with the customers who think it is insane that I have to cover my pink hair.”
Benschoter has about 500k views of her videos with wigs and thousands of comments. Most of them are really supportive:
Answering the common question about what kind of reaction customers she gets to these wigs, she says: “Laughs. Lots of LAUGHS. A customer said “WOW LOVING TODAY’S VOLUME”.
We believe that people can express themselves through unique details in their appearance as they wish. But some employers still have some job requirements, and that is an issue. For example, a mom with 800 tattoos was denied jobs. Sometimes job seekers have a real weird interviews and even take an unexpected turn.