16 People Who Couldn’t Help but Share Their Unique Findings

year ago

There are so many things that the internet offers, from socializing with others to playing unlimited games. One of the things we can also do online is view pictures and videos that we wouldn’t have the opportunity to see otherwise. That’s how a whole new world reveals itself in front of our eyes.

Now I’ve Seen Everything took a stroll around the internet and discovered 16 very interesting pictures you might have never seen before.

1. “Two cowlicks in different directions”

2. “A year’s worth of bacon grease.”

3. “I found this tiny feather from my bird.”

4. “The tiny flower pattern inside this egg”

5. “Melted apple sculptures”

6. “My cat curled into a Yin & Yang formation.”

7. “Person in my neighborhood grows veggies out of the trunk of their car.”

8. “I just noticed while removing a piece of tape I stepped on that my shoes have keyboards.”

9. “Icicles on my truck’s wheels”

10. “There is a woman in our city who cheers up the streets with fruits or vegetables. She did the same with bell peppers and Brussel sprouts.”

11. “My mom bought this ’tiny ice cube’ tray.”

12. This twisted circle built out of stone

13. “My apples are red on the inside.”

14. “This weirdly mutated strawberry I found.”

15. “The way this snow curled off my chair.”

16. “This is a flood barrier.”

Which picture amazed you the most, and have you ever seen a double cowlick before?

Preview photo credit spar13 / reddit


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