20 Men Who Wore Their Beards Like a Badge of Honor

2 years ago

Growing a beautiful beard takes time, and maintaining it can also be a lot of work. But all the efforts are worth it because these glorious beards can totally enhance a person’s appearance — as proven by the men on this list. And sometimes, they have interesting stories to tell too.

Now I’ve Seen Everything found 20 men who achieved their facial hair goals, and wore their beards with pride.

1. “When you’re dressed for an occasion, the right beard style distinguishes your look at a whole other level.”

2. “I was inspired by the beard migration post from the other day.”

3. “My 9-year-old daughter is practicing braiding on my beard.”

4. “The hair finally caught up with the beard.”

5. “Headed in to meet my new baby girl.”

6. “We auctioned off our beards to raise money for prostate cancer. This was the design chosen for me!”

7. “Placed 3rd at a beard competition today.”

8. “Because I can, haha.”

9. “I promised my students that if they all passed the state test, I’d shave off half my beard on the last day of school.”

10. “Finally reached my goal length, the longest I’ve ever had it.”

11. “Nature didn’t bless me with a strong jawline, so I grew one myself.”

12. You know their facial hair loves the breeze when it dances like this...

13. “No one where I live grows beards, and when they see mine, they ask if everything is all right. I always say everything is A-OKAY!”

14. “Had to show my student ID to a substitute teacher today because she didn’t believe that I was still in school. I’m 16.”

15. “The goal is to walk onto the set of Vikings and not be kicked out.”

16. “0, 2, and 3 months of growth at 24 years old. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.”

17. Growing a beard could mean growing a likeness to famous characters, like Tormund from Game of Thrones.

18. “My 4-year-old daughter thought something was missing.”

19. “Sometimes I get the ’Hey, you kind of look like Van Gogh...’”

20. “Never give up on your beard. Mine only started to connect and fill in my early 40s.”

Do you have any interesting stories about beards? Have you ever seen anyone with a beard and wanted to ask them questions about it? Share your stories and pictures with us!

Please note: This article was updated in September 2021 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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