10 Men Who Hilariously Missed the Hints Women Dropped Like Neon Signs

week ago

Sometimes, the signs are so obvious, they’re practically shining, yet some men still fail to see them. These 10 stories showcase moments when women gave clear hints as bright as neon lights, but they went completely unnoticed.


I bartended and waved the tab of a regular. When I told him his drinks were on me, he made the joke, "Bet you say that to all the pretty girls." I said, "Drinks are only waived for hot people the bartender has a crush on." He looked SO CONFUSED and said he was "honored to be the exception to that rule."

littlebluebird555 / Reddit


I once got yelled by my female coworker. She said, “Haven’t you noticed that for the last 2 months the first thing I do when I arrive is come to your desk and say hello? And that I don’t do that for anyone else?”

I honestly hadn’t noticed. I did notice she always arrived later than me. That is the only thing I’d noticed. Honestly. Anyway after that little bit of frustration and yelling we did end up having a thing for a while.

Kriskao / Reddit


I literally wrapped my arms around him from behind and told him how cute I thought he was. Five years later, we reconnected and started dating. He told me, “I thought you were joking because you’re too pretty to want to be with me.” Being insecure back then, he convinced himself that he wasn’t good enough and that it must have been a prank.

paige120 / Reddit


My MIL met my FIL when they worked at a pizza place as teens. She was into him so she dropped hints for months but he didn’t pick up on them.

Once, she put Hershey kisses in the cooler and asked if he’d like his kisses cold. He said, “Actually, I prefer warm kisses” so she said “okay” and kissed him. That was when he realized she liked him.

She blushes when she tells the story, as she admits that was very unlike her but her gut said to go for it. They’ve been married for 40 years.

Nikkomus / Reddit


We snuggled all night watching a movie together. When he was leaving, I tried to kiss him goodbye, but he rejected it and drove away.

I went back to my room to sulk. 10 minutes later he asks to meet me outside. I get outside and he shouts in disbelief, “Wait, were you trying to kiss me? Does that mean you like me?”

Boy had legit driven away and called his friend because he was confused and thought I was giving mixed messages about liking him or not.

ChangMinny / Reddit


The day my husband (then friend) went to tell me he was into me and wanted to officially start dating, he was super nervous. Since he prompted the date and discussion, I was going to let him start it off and then I’d just be like “yes, me too!” While he was unable to communicate for about ten minutes, and was skirting it due to being super nervous I flat out told him “you’re not going to be rejected, just say it.” I must have said it at least three times before I gave up and just kissed him.

Unknown author / Reddit


My now-wife and her friend tried to get me to go out with both of them to a movie that I’d been talking about wanting to see for weeks. I declined (“I don’t want to be a third wheel”) but they said they already had tickets. I thought they were just being nice and I didn’t want to intrude in their girls’ night. I said they could return my ticket but “thanks so much anyway!”

rexregisanimi / Reddit


Chatting with him on FB every single day for three months. Inviting him to things. Giving him tickets to sports games. Three months later he grabbed my hand to help me off a curb and I didn’t let go. Suddenly he got it. Five years later we’re still together.

notnotaginger / Reddit


I once asked a guy if I could kiss him (we'd been hanging out in a way that was conducive to that) and he said yes. I kissed him. It was great. Then we just parted ways in a natural way.

Three days later, this man calls me. He told a friend about the interaction and they had to point it out. Sir... I literally kissed you.

ImFireMario / Reddit


I had a female coworker ask me once if I could help her move her bed, which I thought was odd — it’s pretty doable with one person. I got to her house and saw she had an 18-year-old brother. I asked, “Why didn’t you ask him to help?” I moved the bed and then left. The next day at work, some of my female friends asked, “Did you get lucky?” I was confused and said, “No, I just moved her bed and left.” They all laughed at me.

_maxxwell_ / Reddit

More often than not, adults fall back into teenage habits when they have a crush. We might ask friends to drop hints, hang out in groups, or send playful texts to test the waters. However, you can skip all these games by learning how to recognize the signs that someone likes you.

Preview photo credit _maxxwell_ / Reddit


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