15+ Celebrities Whose Children Are Their Lookalikes

year ago

Genetics is a very interesting thing, sort of similar to a lottery as you can never know what you’ll get as a result. There are so many factors affecting a person’s appearance that it’s not too common for a kid to just have a mix of their parents’ features. However, sometimes, children happen to look exactly like their family members, and it happens to celebs, too. We collected a few examples right here.

1. Tish Cyrus and Miley Cyrus

2. Meryl Streep and Mamie Gummer

3. Patricia Taylor and Keanu Reeves

4. Gwyneth Paltrow and Apple Martin

5. Milla Jovovich and Ever Anderson

6. Vanessa Paradis and Lily-Rose Depp

7. Reese Witherspoon and Ava Phillippe

8. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ramona Starsgaard

9. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joseph Baena

10. Tom Hanks and Colin Hanks

11. Salma Hayek and Valentina Pinault

12. Danny DeVito and Lucy DeVito

13. Julianne Moore and Liv Freundlich

14. Christie Brinkley and Sailor Brinkley Cook

15. Michael J. Fox and Sam Fox

16. Thandiwe Newton and Nico Parker

17. Samuel L Jackson and Zoe Jackson

18. Jack Nicholson and Ray Nicholson


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