10+ Rare Features That Make Us Truly Unique

year ago

We’re pretty used to the idea that all of us are unique personality-wise because of our upbringing and life experiences. However, mother nature makes sure we stand out from the crowd by giving us rare physical characteristics, too. Check out our list to see in what ways your genes made you one-of-a-kind.

1. Clear small dots on the tongue

The human tongue is covered with papillae, which are a collection of taste buds. Their role is to help us taste the flavors of the food we eat. Some people have more taste buds and receptors and can sense flavors more intensely, so their sense of flavor is stronger. Supertasters are what they’re called and they are sensitive to bitter flavors like spinach, coffee, and chocolate.

2. Widow’s peak

widow’s peak is a characteristic hairline in the form of a V that is often inherited. Contrary to popular belief, it is likely no more significant than having wavy hair or a split chin. A study revealed that this characteristic is unusual. 67% of the observed population did not exhibit a widow’s peak, whereas 33% did. It indicates that genes, age, and gender impact this characteristic.

3. Natural red hair

Only about 2% of the world’s population has natural red hair. It’s much more common in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales than anywhere else on Earth. The gene for redheads is recessive. This means that both parents must have a copy of it for their offspring to inherit.

4. Diastema

Invision/Invision/East News

Diastema is often called a tooth gap. Many celebrities have made this feature their trademark. And it really makes a person unique, with 1.6% to 25.4% of adults from various age groups and populations having it.

5. Letter X

There is a peculiar mark that only a few individuals possess. According to reports, only 3% of the world’s population has the letter ’X’ on their hands. It is positioned between the 2 curving horizontal lines on your palm.

6. A small hole near the ear

Having a small hole near the ear is a rare condition called preauricular pit. It can occur in one or both ears, although it’s most often seen on the right side. It is usually benign and does not pose any health issues.

7. Gray eyes

This eye color is one of the rarest. There are only 3% of gray-eyed people, which is 3 times less than the number of blue-eyed people.

8. Simple anisocoria

The size of the pupil changes so that the right amount of light can get into the eye. So, when it’s dark, they get bigger, and when there’s a lot of sun, they get smaller. In most cases, each eye shrinks and expands at the same time. However, this isn’t always the case so it may look like each eye’s pupil is different in size. This difference in pupil size is called anisocoria.

9. Morton’s toe

Check your toes, and if you have a second toe that is larger than your first, then you are part of the 22% of people who have this special feature called Morton’s toe. Scientist Dudley Joy Morton believed that the second largest toe was an evolutionary remnant of pre-human toes.

10. The lack of the palmaris longus muscle

Approximately 14% of the population doesn’t have this muscle. The fact is that this is a rudimentary part of the body, the need for which has disappeared in the process of evolution. So the absence of the palmaris longus muscle doesn’t affect the work of the forearm in any way.

11. Cleft chin

Your genes decide if you are born with a cleft chin or not. If other family members have it, then it’s more likely that you will too. Cleft chins are marked by a dimple that forms before birth. It happens when the 2 sides of the lower jaw don’t fully join together when the baby is still in the womb. But still, this doesn’t cause any other symptoms besides the dimple.

12. Heterochromia

This rare feature that makes each eye a different color is called heterochromia. What makes this all the more fascinating is that this condition is only present in less than one percent of the population. Heterochromia can occur when the concentration of melanin in the eyes is not uniform. Most of the time as a result of genetics.

13. Double crown

Most people have only one clockwise hair whorl. A double crown is much rarer, occurring in just 5 out of every 100 people. And if both whorls are directed counterclockwise, this makes the person even more unique.

Do you have any of these features? What part of your body makes you feel like you are you?


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