12 People Recall Disturbing Discoveries They Truly Weren’t Prepared For

8 months ago

As the adage suggests, secrets tend to reveal themselves eventually. When these concealed truths come to light, certain revelations possess the power to completely transform our reality or alter the course of our existence. The individuals highlighted in this compilation have uncovered such profound truths, leading to enduring changes in their lives.

  • My ex-wife’s iTunes on her iPhone was actually my account that I set up for my iPad. She was just too lazy to set up a new account. So, I told her that if she did that, her iMessages would come through to my iPad. She said she didn’t care... until she started cheating on me, and I got the texts directly to my iPad. © shawn615 / Reddit
  • When my ex and I lived together I found a box with a single set of dishes under his side of the bed. When I asked him about it, he said he was keeping them just in case he decided to break up with me so that he could leave at the drop of a hat at any given moment. I remember the conversation, he seemed so nonchalant about it all. Turned out to be a total sociopath. © room_temp_butter / Reddit
  • I would get fevers as a child, and in my pain-infused state, I would hear a man counting in a very deep voice. He would count from 1 and up; as the numbers get larger, the voice gets louder and more intense. When I got older, I brushed it aside, thinking these were recurring nightmares or hallucinations. Until only recently, I learned that my sister experienced the exact same thing when she was younger as well. © Issualave / Reddit
  • I was hanging out with a work friend after work. We were at this restaurant, and he would scroll Tinder, and I would help him decide on which way to swipe. Until we saw my wife (now ex-wife). That was not a great time. © Kah0s / Reddit
  • Many years ago, my mother amended her birth certificate to make herself nine years younger. She used this falsified birth certificate to acquire a driver’s license, get a government job, etc.
    Later in life, she went through bankruptcy and needed money but was “too young” to get her pension and social security (although she was actually of retirement age). So, she asked my then-boyfriend, an artist skilled at pointillism, to redo her birth certificate so she could go to the DMV and address the “mistake.” © rudi_mentary_ / Reddit
  • My ex-husband, just before we got together, had a “one night thing.” The woman got pregnant, and he hid it from me for as long as he possibly could before a mutual acquaintance told him if he didn’t say anything, they would. He had hidden this from all of his friends, completely socially isolated himself to cover the tracks. He blamed me for him no longer seeing his friends, telling them all I hated them and wouldn’t let him see them anymore. He never told his family. He ghosted, and blocked the woman, then deleted all social media so she couldn’t contact him at all. He then coerced and guilted me into paying his child support for him or ’he would go to prison!’. © Arugula-Current / Reddit
  • When my grandfather passed away, we discovered that he did not exist. His name was not in any government registry. He was a normal citizen, paid taxes, had a license and everything. Lived a long life, married to my grandmother for over 50 years, had multiple children, everything normal. Still to now, no one knows who he really was and why he had a false name. © daveypump / Reddit
  • I found texts from my girlfriend’s secret lover. This was in the early 2000s when phones were still super primitive. Her phone had that Snake game on it, and mine didn’t, so I would occasionally use her phone to play Snake. The game would get interrupted if someone texted, though. And sure enough, while I was playing, her secret lover texted her. I saw it, and then couldn’t help myself and had to read the rest of the texts between them. Absolutely crushed me. © alwaysmyfault / Reddit
  • I discovered just like 3 years ago that I’m not my mother’s only kid or first kid. Her cousin told me my mother got pregnant at 14 and gave birth to my brother, who unfortunately passed away the next day after he was born. I confronted my mom, and she briefly talked to me about him. She’s never mentioned it again. I can’t believe she kept this from me my entire life. I literally just learned about my deceased brother in my mid-40s. © Borboleta77 / Reddit
  • My husband had tubes of fake blood. I found them stuffed in the closet. I forgot and didn’t say anything to anyone, thinking they were for Halloween. Months later, I caught him cheating. Our marriage ended, and I decided to leave. I went back to get some belongings, and he staged an accident with the fake blood on the kitchen floor to make me feel bad for leaving. I banged on the window and told him to get up and stop playing stupid games.
    He crawled to open the door, mumbling he needs to go to the hospital. I ignored him. I found those tubes of blood thrown in the bathroom trash can and threw them at him on the way out. © ChineseChaiTea / Reddit
  • So, my grandmother has this weird thing where she has to share food with people. Are you ordering steak at the restaurant? Well, oh boy, she’s gotta order the same thing even if she doesn’t like steak. Try her drink, “It’s really good!” Take the first bite of chicken to let her know if it’s “any good.” This always really annoyed me because I hate sharing food. One day I brought it up to my mom, and she was like, “Oh yeah, grandma is afraid of being poisoned, so she wants other people to try it first.” And it makes so much sense looking back because she literally would not take a bite of anything she ordered until someone else had a bite first. Thanks, grandma. © Starlined_ / Reddit
  • One day, I came home after a night out to my boyfriend. He knew I was going to be up super late, so he had left his laptop out for me to watch Netflix when I came back. I was watching Friends or something when, around 5 am, a text message popped up on his screen. It said: “Yeah, but now you’re dating her.” I clicked the text immediately, and it opened up to a conversation he had been having with his ex-girlfriend. For months. It began before he and I even started dating, when we were still in the “talking” phases. Every secret I had ever told him, every trauma I had ever disclosed to him... he had texted to her while I was sleeping, to make fun of me and call me names. © worstgurl / Reddit

Speaking of unfaithful partners, as we have seen from the experiences of the heroes in our other article, there are plenty of ways to expose a cheater.

Preview photo credit ChineseChaiTea / Reddit


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