13 People Share When They Realized Their Partners Weren’t So Smart

5 days ago

When someone is in love, they tend to see their partner in the best light, overlooking any flaws. However, there comes a moment of clarity when the truth can no longer be ignored. Here are 13 stories of how people suddenly realized their significant others weren't as smart as they initially seemed.

  • I always considered my boyfriend to be quite intelligent, but one evening, he dropped a bombshell that left me speechless. While we were chatting about health, he casually mentioned that he thought women only had one ovary and that it was "just like a backup for when the other one doesn't work." I couldn't believe my ears! It was both funny and concerning to realize he had such a basic misunderstanding of female anatomy. That moment made me realize that I needed to educate him a bit more about how our bodies function, but it also added a new layer of humor to our relationship.
  • My boyfriend refused to eat the basil I bought from the grocery store because it was a whole plant I was keeping outside. He insisted it was "dirty" and not safe to eat. When I asked where he thought farmers grew produce, he claimed they had "special sterilized areas" for food, but my plant wasn’t "food grade."
    I just stared at him, completely dumbfounded, not even sure how to respond. butteryva*** / Reddit
  • While on a camping trip, she was worried about parking the car on the grass because she thought the grass would grow and puncture the tires, causing them to go flat. Shawnaldo7575 / Reddit
  • I had always considered my partner to be quite bright, but during a casual conversation about our plans for the weekend, he asked, "So, if we leave at 10 a.m., we'll be in New York by noon, right?" I stared at him, baffled, as I realized he had no idea that it was a two-hour drive, not a two-hour time zone change. It was a funny moment, but it also made me see that he needed a little help with basic travel logistics.
  • One day, it was super sunny out (we lived pretty close to the equator), and she said, "The moon is going to be really bright tonight." I asked what she meant, and she explained that because it was so sunny, the moon was absorbing all the light and would shine brighter at night. We argued about it and eventually called her mom, who backed up her theory. Apuuli21 / Reddit
  • My partner was grumbling at the bin, saying, "We need new bin bags, these ones don’t fit." I went over to check and saw him holding a roll of small black dog poo bags, trying to figure out why one wouldn’t fit in the bin. Turns out, he grabbed the wrong roll and was trying to use a bag that’s 50 times too small! Pinapickle / Reddit
  • He believed potatoes never went bad because his mom always kept a bag in the pantry. When I asked if they ate a lot of potatoes, he said yes—they had a big family with six kids, and it still didn’t dawn on him why the potatoes never spoiled. glightlysay / Reddit
  • A girl I dated in college broke my laptop by forcing a USB drive into the port. Instead of flipping it when it didn’t fit, she just kept pushing harder until she broke the port and the motherboard. MG42Turtle / Reddit
  • I found out she was eating half-cooked premade pot pies because she broiled everything instead of baking it. She complained that the oven always burned the top while leaving the bottom doughy... but she ate the uncooked dough anyway. Luet_box / Reddit
  • Alright, I love my girlfriend to the moon and back, but... she thought if she got a tattoo, her baby would be born with the same tattoo in the same spot. mrlotato / Reddit
  • I dated a guy in college who visited my rural hometown and asked what the animals in the neighbor's field were. I said, "cows," completely in disbelief. He then told me they couldn’t be cows because cows are black and white, and these were brown.
    I had to pull up Google to prove that brown cows exist. He wasn’t even from the city—he claimed to be from a rural suburb, so I guess he was just clueless. AnericanSteel412 / Reddit
  • There was a girl who kept faxing the same document over and over. Eventually, the recipient called and begged her to stop. Confused, she said, "But it keeps failing... the document keeps coming back out!" thebemusedmuse / Reddit
  • I thought my husband and I shared a strong connection, but everything changed during a casual conversation about pregnancy. We were watching a documentary, and when it discussed the female body, he suddenly asked, "Wait, so can women just decide when to get pregnant? Like, just stop taking a pill and boom—baby?" I was taken aback, realizing he genuinely had no clue how complex the female reproductive system is. It was one of those moments where I thought, “How did I not know this before?” I couldn’t help but feel a mix of amusement and frustration, wondering how someone could be so oblivious about something so fundamental.

Here are stories of people who uncovered the shocking dirty secrets of their partners.

Preview photo credit Daniel Reche / Pexels


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