15 Actors and Actresses Who Are Ready to Experiment With Their Bodies for Movie Roles

8 months ago

Gaining and losing weight is part of an actor’s job. For a good role, they can eat French fries for months or, on the contrary, eat almost nothing and spend all day at the gym. For example, Chris Hemsworth, from the muscular hero of the movie Vacation, turned into a gaunt sailor within a few months. And the next year, he regained his athletic appearance for the role of the god Thor. Are you surprised? Hollywood has even cooler stories.

To portray the role of a British singleton in Bridget Jones, the slender actress gained 28 lb for both the initial and sequel films of the franchise.

Colin Farrell has revealed that he indulged in a diet of cheeseburgers, fries, cake, fizzy drinks, and melted ice cream to put on 40lbs for his role in The Lobster.

Chris Pratt slimmed down and got pumped up for Guardians of the Galaxy.

Jennifer Aniston put on weight for Cake.

Adam Driver lost 50 lb for his part in Silence.

Matt Damon gained 30 lb for The Informant!

Joaquin Phoenix put on weight for You Were Never Really Here.

Charlize Theron had to gain 50 pounds for her leading part in Tully.

Hugh Jackman had to lose 33 lb for Les Misérables and then to gain muscle mass for The Wolverine.

Anne Hathaway lost 24 lb for her part in Les Misérables.

Jake Gyllenhaal lost 22 lb for Nightcrawler and then pumped up for Southpaw.

James McAvoy became way more massive for Glass.

Jonah Hill lost weight for Maniac.

Chris Hemsworth had to lose 33 lb for his part in In the Heart of the Sea and then get back his muscle mass for Thor: Ragnarok.

Mark Wahlberg consumed 11,000 calories daily and ate up to 8 meals a day to reach the maximum weight required for his character in the movie Father Stu. He ended up gaining 28 lb.

Please note: This article was updated in May 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.

Skinny or fat, adult or young, Mark Wahlberg is handsome from every angle. Wouldn’t you agree? A lot of people love this actor because he does movies for art and not for money. He’s also a very sweet family man and daddy.


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