15+ Bloopers Movie Creators Hoped Audiences Would Miss

year ago

Making a film is a challenging process that can span months or even years. And even though typically an entire team works on a movie or series, it’s impossible to account for everything. Sometimes, observant viewers are surprised to find bloopers in the films. Here are some of them.

1. In the Bridgerton series, the setting is in the 1800s, but in one of the scenes, we can spot modern yellow road markings.

2. In the iconic Christmas movie Elf, we can spot an extra whose jacket is oddly fastened over another jacket.

3. In the movie, Moneyball, Brad Pitt’s character presses the turn-off button on the phone first, and then he says, “I’ll call you back.”

4. In the action movie, Fast & Furious 6, Dwayne Johnson’s beard disappears and appears again.

5. In the comedy, Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan’s character says that she used to live in Africa. However, in her childhood photo, she’s sitting on an Asian elephant, not on an African one.

6. In one of the episodes from the hit TV series, Friends, Monica was replaced with another actress for a few seconds.

7. The heroine of the Modern Family TV series is talking on the phone, which is turned upside down.

8. When the main character of the movie, Gravity, is crying, her tears are floating in the air in a picturesque way. However, in real space, tears would stay on the face, and you’d have to wipe them off with a tissue.

9. In the comedy, Home Alone, the number plate of the robbers’ car changes from 4565 АК to 4566 АК.

10. When Happy sews the wound on Peter Parker’s back, you may notice that he has nothing in his hands.

11. When looking at Toni Collette’s closeup in the movie, Hereditary, we can see the edges of her wig.

12. We wonder how the main heroine of the comedy, Overboard, manages to drive the car without keys in the ignition.

13. In one of the scenes from the New Girl TV series, the nail polish on Jessica’s finger nails appears and disappears.

14. After being sorted to Gryffindor, Harry sits down next to Ron. But in the next shot, we can see that he’s sitting next to Hermione on the other side of the table.

15. This scene from the Living With Yourself TV series supposedly takes place in 2014. At the same time, Miles is holding an iPhone X which was released in 2017.

16. In Notting Hill, the reflection of the cameraman can be seen in the main heroine’s glasses.

Sometimes a movie is riddled with mistakes that we don’t even notice. For instance, the iconic Titanic has a plethora of errors and inaccuracies.


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