15+ Celebrities Who’ve Become Even Hotter With Age

2 years ago

Our youth is the time when we tend to experiment with our appearance: we dye our hair in unbelievable colors, follow absurd fashion trends, or wear weird clothes. But people tend to change with age. And it seems that Hollywood celebrities become so much more gorgeous when they grow older.

At Now I’ve Seen Everything, we believe that the celebrities shown in this article seem to become even more attractive and elegant with every passing year.

1. Dwayne Johnson

2. Chris Pratt

© Everwood / The WB Television Network, Valerie Macon / AFP / East News

3. Robert Downey Jr.

4. Chris Evans

5. Salma Hayek

6. Justin Timberlake

7. Ryan Reynolds

8. Kim Kardashian

9. Channing Tatum

10. Charlie Hunnam

11. Halle Berry

12. Kate Winslet

Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, © PopularImages / Depositphotos.com

13. Mark Wahlberg

14. Ryan Gosling

15. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

16. Angelina Jolie

i-Images, PacificCoastNews.com / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

Many people dream of aging gracefully. And the photos of these celebrities just prove that age makes us more charismatic. Do you have your own secrets of graceful aging? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, Invision / Invision / East News


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