15 People Shared Stories of Times When They Firmly Believed in the Supernatural

2 months ago

We’re accustomed to explaining everything in this world logically and trusting only in science and facts. Yet sometimes, certain people experience such incredible adventures that finding a logical explanation for them seems impossible.

  • My best friend died in a car crash. A week or two after his funerals, I started to have VIVID dreams. And one night, I had a dream that I was just standing in front of my house. Dreadful feeling, nothing was happening, just standing there. Then at one point in the dream, I rushed to the door and slammed in open, and I woke up at the same moment to my very real door SLAMMING open in the middle of the night. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute, it took a few moments til I could move. I was especially scared since I lived there alone at the time, since my dad lived abroad that year for work. So I slowly crept upstairs, calling out in the dark if someone was there. I had a baseball bat, and would open every light as fast as possible. When I hit the light switch for the main entrance area, I got paralyzed by fear; there were dozens and dozens of snowy or salty footprints circling around d the whole floor, going in every room and every corner of the house. Like a dozen persons randomly shuffled all around the floor. There was no one home but me. I had to mop the floor for an hour until everything was gone. I never understood what’s happened, might have been sleepwalking, but it scared the hell out of me. © ludoludoludo / Reddit
  • One night when I was about 12 I was drifting off to sleep, then I clearly heard a baby laugh for 1 or 2 seconds. Presumed it was just my imagination and went to sleep. The next morning, my sister mentioned that she’d been woken up by the sound of a baby crying. I don’t really believe in ghosts, but I’ve never been able to explain that. © kingpickles98 / Reddit
  • I moved back in with my parents when my dad had cancer. We lost the fight, but we were still there supporting my mom. I was getting ready for work at around 4 am. You turn the light off from the kitchen, then walk past the living room to the front door.
    When I was halfway through the living room, I could feel my dad sitting there in his usual chair, like you know you’re being watched. My hair stood up, and it was a surreal experience. Pitch black though, I said, “Love you, Dad,” and went to work. © Remote_Salad949 / Reddit
  • Right before my husband died many years ago, I heard a disembodied voice from about 15 feet away say, “Take a good look at him. It’s the last time you’ll ever see him alive.” It was... I can still hear the sound of the voice. It sounded female. © G***illaYourDreams / Reddit
  • The day my uncle passed away, I went to bed early. I dreamed about him saying goodbye to me. When I woke up, I walked into the living room. My mother was crying. She said, “Your uncle Frank passed away moments ago.” © a2625 / Reddit
  • When I was 2-4, I would tell my mom I didn’t want to go upstairs because the little boy scared me. Turns out, the first night in that house, my mom was alone painting, heard something, and saw a little boy walking down those stairs. © dietsaddad / Reddit
  • The moment my youngest daughter was old enough to formulate complete and thoughtful sentences, she asked more than one person “If they remembered when she was an old Chinese woman who died in a house fire.” The very thought of it makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. © Fickle-Bat8433 / Reddit
  • Once, my dad told me that he went into the bathroom one night and reached for the light switch. He said there was what felt like an old person’s hand covering the switch. He pulled his hand away for a moment and then reached back to feel again, and it was gone. He turned the light on, and nothing was there. © Traditional_Self_658 / Reddit
  • When I was 9, I stayed up for about 3 days because it was summer break, and my grandma was at my house. She passed away in her sleep, so we called the police, and they took her. I couldn’t sleep that night. Then, I went to the mirror, looked at myself, and saw her instead. © Left-Tutor9890 / Reddit
  • When I was a baby, my mom and grandma heard someone say hi to me from the baby monitor. They both rushed upstairs to see nothing there, and we thought it was my grandpa, who had passed away before I was born, saying hi to me. © 99-Savage / Reddit
  • My brother, a couple of other kids, and I were playing with an Ouija board. My brother asked the “spirits” what the name of his future wife would be. I don’t know why, but I immediately started repeating in my head, “Mickey Mouse” over and over. The planchette moved to the M, then the I, then the C. It was here my brother said something like, “Okay, that’s enough,” and lifted his hands off the planchette, and we moved on to the next question.
    He then married a woman named Michelle, but they would eventually get divorced. Hope I didn’t mess anything up there... © ADD_OCD / Reddit
  • My brother was dancing and talking to no one who was there in the living room. At the end, he said, “Thank you, grandma...” She had died many years prior, and the day this happened would have been her birthday if she were alive. © BigMemerMaan1 / Reddit
  • While visiting the Whaley House, a famous allegedly haunted house in San Diego, CA, I heard piano music clanging away in a downstairs parlor or living room. No living person was in that room, and nobody else in my group heard the music, which lasted only a couple of seconds. © invisiblette / Reddit
  • When I was around 3 years old, my grandma told me about my dead uncle and even showed me some photos of him. He had passed away 4 years before I was born, but I remember vividly seeing him in the corner of my house, staring at me and gesturing with his hand. I recall telling my grandma about it, and she was terrified. © Nastiunich / Reddit
  • I woke up in the middle of the night to find my 4-year-old son standing in our bedroom and staring out the window. I asked “Whatcha doing, bud?” In a very flat voice, he said, “Watching those men, Daddy. They’re digging your grave.” I quickly looked out the window, and of course there was no one. I hurried him back to his bedroom, and he went immediately back to sleep. He is grown now and has no recollection of it, but it creeped me out that night. © RicRennersHair / Reddit

Here are stories of people who have encountered entirely explainable yet even more frightening things.


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