10 People Whose Tough Times Were Beyond Comprehension

2 weeks ago

We all have bad days and rough patches in life. Sometimes it helps to talk about it and hear stories from others who are going through difficult times. It can help ease the emotional pain, even if just a little.

  • I took out a mortgage, and we planned to move in together and then get married. I started finding women’s hair in the new house, and once I saw lipstick marks on a cup. When I confronted him, of course, he denied everything. I told him I needed some time alone before making a decision, so I went to stay with my parents. The next day, I returned to the house and was horrified: he had taken everything he could—furniture, appliances, even the curtains and rugs. We had been together for 7 years.
  • My crush came over to my house to work on a high school project that involved the Internet. While she sat next to me, she tried to navigate to Google on my computer. Unfortunately, the address bar autofilled and took her to my last Google search—page two of results for her name. Every link had been clicked. We both just sat in silence. © rlover77887 / Reddit
  • A kid and I agreed to wear tuxedos on the last day of middle school. I was too young and naive to realize he wasn’t serious, so I convinced my mom to cover the cost of renting a tuxedo, which I spent the next several weeks paying off. That year, I also won an academic award, so not only did I show up in a tuxedo, but I also had to go up in front of the entire school in the gym to accept the award. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I found out that my ex-husband created multiple profiles on various dating websites, using one of our wedding photos as his profile picture. Of course, I was cropped out. © eyesinthetrees / Reddit
  • I had a letter from my grandmother, written shortly before she passed. It was full of wisdom and love. I misplaced it while moving, and the heartache of never being able to read her final words was a deeper blow than any physical injury I could imagine.
  • When I was in high school, I created a new email account to send an anonymous love letter to a girl I liked. The problem was that my name showed up in the email header because I had registered the account with it. She asked me about the email the next day, which made me babble like an idiot for five minutes. I soon realized how stupid I had been. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I went on a date with a woman from the office. I thought we had good chemistry and got along well. She couldn’t find her phone, so I tried calling it, and someone from the restaurant answered. I went back in to get it for her, and the waiter showed me I was saved in her contacts under “Free Food.” © Sol-Blackguy / Reddit
  • I found out my boyfriend married another woman while still with me. We broke up approximately 11 hours ago. I discovered this by seeing a text message and then using Facebook to find her. And lo and behold, there were my beautiful boyfriend and his beautiful bride, happy at their wedding.
    We were together for 3.5 years. Apparently, he met me after they initially broke up. Then, 1.5 years into our relationship, he met up with her again and rekindled their romance without telling me anything. © heteroerotic / Reddit
  • One morning while we were in bed, I turned to my then-girlfriend and said, “I need to tell you something.” I proceeded to tell her that my mom had cancer. Her response? “Phew, I thought you were going to say you cheated on me.” © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was at a wedding where the best man made a toast—to the groom and his ex-wife. By accident, of course. Once he realized what he’d done, he turned green in the face. I thought he was going to pass out. © MelancholyDane481 / Reddit
  • I drove 2.5 hours up to where she was going to college the night before her birthday as a surprise. I called her, but she didn’t pick up or respond to my texts. I figured she had fallen asleep early, which wasn’t uncommon. So I slept in my car until the next morning when I finally heard from her. She wasn’t exactly as thrilled with my surprise as I thought she would be, but we spent a good part of the day together, before I drove back. A few days later, I got a Facebook message from I guy I met and became friends with from her college. He told me I was a cool guy and deserved to know that she was cheating on me with some guy. She didn’t fall asleep early that night, she was with him. © -eDgAR- / Reddit

There’s nothing worse than when the closest people deceive or betray you. Here are stories from those who discovered terrible family secrets.


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