15 People Who Displayed Their Excellent Skills in Hilarious Photoshop Battles

year ago

In today’s society, it is almost impossible to see any picture without it having been processed in some way. But Photoshop and its various properties aren’t only good for altering and improving images. Like we are about to show in this article, sometimes people just want to have fun with it and create fantastic situations. Stay until the end to see all the wonderful examples we gathered for you.

1. Dog wearing a dress and wig

2. Girl unhappily holds an owl

3. Two babies on restaurant table

4. Girl with a blue cotton candy sugar high

5. Cats hugging

6. A frog with snails on its head, resembling Princess Leia

7. A ferret covered by styrofoam

8. A capybara with some squirrel monkeys

9. This large winking husky

10. This alpaca judging your driving ability

11. This girl sitting on the edge of a cliff

12. Incredibly fast cat

13. The internet has its way with Miss America

14. Llama standing in a field with its mouth open

15. Guilty leopard

It seems that people just love using photoshop and creating “fake” situations that sometimes are way too real and believable. And some artists use photoshop as a tool to create art.


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