15 People Who Found Curious Objects and Puzzled Over Their Purpose

year ago

The Internet has revolutionized global connectivity, greatly enhancing our lives. It enables us to remain updated on our friends’ activities at any moment and swiftly find solutions to our inquiries. Many decades ago, deciphering the purpose of an intriguing object was a challenging task. Nowadays, we can easily seek answers online, as the users on this list did, often leading to astonishing revelations.

1. ’’What are these compartments for on this bottle opener?’’

Answer: They’re extra bottle caps so you can recap your drink.

2. “What is this small brush? It’s about 2” long with short, coarse bristles. Slightly thinner than a pen."

Answer: It’s for cleaning your teeth.

3. ’’I found this hidden under the floorboards in my boyfriend’s place. Is it what I think it is?’’

Answer: Hmm, it’s used to remove the top of soft-boiled eggs.

4. ’’Double-bowl sink with a hole connecting them, the tap does not reach the second bowl. What is it used for?’’

Answer: It is for schools; you can put a sponge there.

5. ’’What is this chain mail partial glove?’’

Answer: It’s a vintage glove used for fishing/boning/filleting.

6. “I found this thing at the hostel. It reads: ’Danger: explosive’.”

Answer: It’s a bear deterrent.

7. ’’What is this thing found in a bedside drawer? The bottom seems to be of suede/soft leather.’’

Answer: It’s a nail buffer.

8. ’’My neighbors pointed this camera-looking device at my backyard. What is it?’’

Answer: Careful... It seems like your neighbors are fed up of your dog.

9. ’’Both are about the size of a quarter, but red on the top and gold on the bottom. Very lightweight. Made of metal and plastic. What are they?’’

Answer: They are clip-on earrings.

10. ’’What is this string and hook in my dorm shower for?’’

Answer: It’s a shower curtain chain.

11. “What is this pack of 12 plastic sheets? It was accidentally sent to me by Amazon.”

Answer: They’re boot stand supports. You roll them into a tube shape, insert them into the leg portion of a boot/shoe, and they make it stand up straight rather than flopping over.

12. ’’What is the purpose of the vertical slot in this hotel’s bedside table?’’

Answer: I asked at the front desk of a hotel when I saw that; was told it’s for laptop/tablet storage while charging overnight without taking up the whole nightstand.

13. ’’Found this in my wife’s drawer. It is what I think it is?’’

Answer: It’s a pelvic floor muscle and inner thigh training exerciser.

14. ’’What’s this roughly 2.5 inches diameter ceramic piece with holes?’’

Answer: It looks like a ceramic flower frog, for arranging flowers.

15. “My girlfriend got this at a Goodwill. What is it?”

Answer: I got similar sandals from Thailand. You cut them in half and then wear them.

As we’ve observed, there remain numerous things in the world whose purpose may remain a mystery to us.


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