15 People Who Trusted Their Gut and Gave Their Hair New Life

2 years ago

Many people have thought of changing their hair in a massive way, but something holds most of them back. It’s maybe because they will be stepping out of their comfort zone or that they will feel like a new person. However, some of them manage to push through all these second thoughts and open a new chapter.

Now I’ve Seen Everything is proud of everyone who chooses to make a massive change that gives them more life.

1. “I went for the pixie!”

2. “Funky-colored hair inspiration for those who are still afraid to try something crazy.”

3. “Went to a salon for the first time, dye took 8 hours but it was worth it!”

4. “Grew my hair out for 2 1/2 years, got it cut last Thursday, and donated to charity. Here is the before/after.”

5. “I went with the short bob.”

6. “After having long hair and a beard for the past 6 years I finally decided to get them cut. I’m really happy with how it turned out.”

7. “I think my new hair is pretty rad.”

8. “Big Chop. I absolutely adore it.”

9. “My before and after — I feel so badass and so cute at the same time!”

10. “I had tons of split ends and I was getting bored of hiding behind my hair.”

11. “I grew my hair out for over 2 years in order to get my dream look. My hairdresser turned my hair into a beautiful masterpiece!”

12. “My before and after — fire hair color, I’m so in looove.”

13. “Hair transformation”

14. “I cut all my hair off and I feel like a different person (before & after).”

15. “Impulsively went for a very big chop today!”

Would ever be so daring and make a massive change to your hair? If you have done it, what was it?

Preview photo credit kluckyduck / reddit


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