When we take a puppy or a kitten home, we don’t always know what they will look like in adulthood, but it’s really nice to look at the photos we’ve taken of them throughout the years and see the difference.
“Casper at 3 and 13 weeks old”
“An 8-week-old puppy to a 9-month-old derp”
“My foster fail Poppy from 2 weeks to 1 year”
A majestic transformation
“Hjalmar on the day I got him, and exactly one year later”
“Bean was a micro kitten. Here she is at 8 weeks vs 5 years.”
“My boys when I found them at 4 weeks old and now at 8 months old”
“2 months to 12 months — we love our big fluffy Samoyed boy.”
Puppy snoot vs doggo snoot
“Marvin, 1 month to 1 year”
1 day vs 8 weeks vs 1 year
“My old girl turned 14 today.”
“When I got her, she was way too tiny (max 6 weeks), underfed, and sick. Today she is healthy, happy, and turned into a 4-year-old!”
These photos of pets’ transformations were posted by ordinary Internet users. Maybe you have photos like these too! Share them in the comments below, and we’ll use them in our future articles.