15 Times Ordinary Things Decided to Change Appearances and Transform Into Something Else

2 years ago

While we all want to feel in control of things around us, our lives surprise us when we least expect it. And that’s maybe the reason why we get so surprised and amazed by what we see. For example, we expect to buy a fruit and we have a very specific perception of it, but when we take it out the bag it looks very different. Things like this can happen with anything that is around us and we only need to keep our eyes open to see them.

It’s amazing to see how some lifeless, ordinary things can sometimes look like they have life in them, and in Now I’ve Seen Everything, we thought we’d share 15 funny images with you.

1. Surprised palm tree.

2. Surprised emo eggplant

3. So serious

4. “I pulled the door handle off, and he was as shocked as I was.”

5. Tree or turtle?

6. “Your shoulders doing okay?”

7. “Is there a Chihuahua face on my girlfriend’s naan bread?”

8. “Suspicious Grain Elevator.”

9. “Not sure if my burger is disrespecting or provoking me.”

10. “This piece of fluff looks like a man pondering life while sitting on a rock.”

11. “The key in the keyhole on my door looks like it’s transparent!”

12. “My sprouted potato looks like a mouse.”

13. “The foam in my friend’s wall looks like a man trying to squeeze through.”

14. “This wood post looks like an anxious cat.”

15. Another shocked metal.

Have you ever bought or gathered your own groceries that looked like they had a human or animal face?


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