17 Individuals Shared Cool Life Hacks That Are Too Good Not to Share With Others

11 months ago

Every day, we strive to come up with increasingly extraordinary ideas to simplify and speed up our everyday processes. Some individuals have mastered this art to the point where they are eager to showcase their cool innovations to the entire internet. It’s no wonder that these ingenious discoveries gather a ton of likes and comments because they have the potential to significantly enhance our lives!

“How to always choose the correct color lipstick for your skin tone.”

“All day people are complimenting me on my lip color. And I’m taking everything that I have not to be like, ‘Thanks, it’s the same color as my nipple’.”

“Shower curtain hooks work well for hanging holiday lights on curtain rods.”

“You need to put a cotton disc wet with aroma oil into the vacuum cleaner container.”

“This way, your home will smell nice during cleaning.”

“I write down all my text carefully. When the class is over, I sell my notes to younger students.”

“Some cheap dye made my old backpack look new again.”

A tip for how to make a repellent against mosquitoes: Take cream or body milk, pour some of it into a separate container, and add some vanillin.

Stir it well and apply it to open skin areas.

“No more paying for an expensive spice shelf. Instead, my boyfriend made this from old bed slats.”

“I freshened up the kitchen for $16. I covered the backsplash and the counters in contact paper.”

“I asked for the room prices at the reception desk in a hotel. When I learned them, I immediately booked the room via Booking.com with a big discount in the same hotel.”


Take a frozen pizza, cut it into individual slices, and then put them back in the freezer just to take out a few pieces when you need them.

To clean a drain filled with hair, just leave cheap hair removal cream in it for 15 minutes.

“This is how to eat chips without getting chip dust on your fingers or game controllers. My girlfriend is a ridiculous genius.”

Flat couch? No worries! Upholstery foam is cheap and easy!

“I use a magnetic knife holder for tools.”

“I love young potatoes. When I need to peel one, I just use some metal mesh for frying pans.”

“I rub a potato with it, and then move onto the next one.”

“My way of recycling disposable masks — they’re stronger and longer than the average twist-ties.”

“I began to work as an administrator in a gym because I wanted to bulk up but didn’t have money for a gym or an instructor.”

“Now I work and study there. They also pay money.”

“A new stylist cut my hair today.”

“She washed my hair in silence for a long time, and then suddenly said, “I’ll tell you a secret, just don’t laugh. One of the best products for washing hair is intimate hygiene gel. It has a very soft and gentle consistency.”

“I always mince the giant bag of garlic, freeze it, & break off squares for cooking.”

Use 2 panty liners to fix a camel toe and avoid period leaks.

Ordinary panty liners can fix a camel toe situation. If you plan to wear tight clothing, stick one panty liner to the panties’ crotch and another one at a right angle to it.
To avoid period leaks, you can also use 2 panty liners: stick one to the edge of the other one or attach them to panties in the shape of the inverted letter “T.”

Such clever tricks can greatly simplify life, even if they seem strange at first glance. Here’s another batch of lifehacks from resourceful individuals.


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