18 Celebs Who Look Like Totally New People Now

year ago

Our physique and style choices are the most direct way of expressing our inner self and personality. And when celebrities decide to go through drastic makeovers and completely change their looks, we notice that their public persona and work have also transformed. And these changes can be exciting and even therapeutic at times, because they help us get a fresh start whenever life gets too boring.

Katy Perry

EVERETT COLLECTION/EAST NEWS, © katyperry / Instagram

Kylie Jenner

This picture on the right is an array of filters as well.


Jamie Lee Curtis

20thCentFox / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, Photoshot/REPORTER/East News

Caitlyn Jenner

Ariana Grande

Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

Demi Lovato

Jared Leto

Kristen Stewart

Billy Porter

Kelly Osbourne

Orlando Bloom

Bella Hadid

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Justin Bieber

Kim Kardashian

Pierce Brosnan

Miley Cyrus

Zac Efron

Disney Channel/Courtesy Everett Collection/ East News, © Facebook Watch

Whose transformations surprised you the most, and why?


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