19 Things Men Wish They Had Done Differently in Youth and Warnings They Want to Share

3 hours ago

When we’re young, we think we have plenty of time to fix our mistakes. But some regrets never go away. Missed chances, bad choices, and secrets we wish we had never kept - they can haunt us for life. Here are real stories from men who wish they had done things differently.

Tom Cruise is quite a legend, still managing to do most of his stunts, even at 62. He's still a bona fide action star, and one advice he'd give his younger self, is simply to “enjoy the ride!”

Here go more great tips from Redditors:

  • Just walk. Don't mind the 10,000 steps goal. Don't even worry about exercising (though you should). 5000 steps is not that much, and it's astounding how many people don't even get that in. Being somewhat active vs. not at all is SO much more important than actually getting to the gym.
    Just walk. Get one of those cheap fitness watches that really doesn't do anything but tell time, count steps, and buzz you when you've been sedentary too long; I don't care how many miles you go or calories you burn… Buzz your wrist and go walk around the block.
    seobrien / Reddit
  • Only 41, but fellas moisturizer on the face after every shower, use the good stuff the ladies use and you will look younger. Unknown author / Reddit
  • I have a great life now—an amazing wife, kids who adore me, and a successful business. On the surface, everything is perfect. Everything is great except for the fact that I have been hiding the truth about my past. When I was younger, I made some terrible financial decisions. I was reckless with money, got into debt. I was too ashamed to admit it, so I lied to my wife. I told her I was financially stable when we met, but the truth is, I spent years secretly paying off my mistakes. To this day, she doesn’t know the full story. I’m terrified that if she ever finds out, she’ll see me differently. I regret not being honest from the start. Hiding the truth only makes things worse. If you’ve messed up, own it.
  • Hobbies that involve other people. Don't jump into a hobby because some of your friends are already doing it, go find what you really enjoy and just make new friends this way. I think mistake that lots of people are making is the way they pick new hobbies in their life: most common way for people experience new hobbies is with a friend group. I'm not saying never invite your existing friends to anything new, but if this is all you are doing then no wonder you are not making new connections in your social network. I think it is best to always build from zero and you'll have hundreds/thousands of friends depending on how many hobbies you are willing to have. illipillike / Reddit

Brad Pitt may be 61, but with age, it seems his appeal has only increased for fans, globally. His self-care advice is more mental, and all the cooler for it, as he would like to tell his younger self, “It’s going to be all right. That’s it. It’s relative, all right, that phrase, all right. But it’s going to be all right.”

More from Redditors:

  • If you wear any type of facial hair, for sure use beard oil and balm. The stuff helps tremendously. Thresher_XG / Reddit
  • Make new male friends in [your] 30s and 40s. I was so busy raising a family and working that I neglected to maintain an inner circle of friends, and it shows… Unknown author / Reddit
  • I partied hard in my youth. Late nights, reckless choices—I lived like there were no consequences. I told myself I'd slow down one day, that my body could handle anything. Now, at 50, I deal with chronic pain, and health problems that make every day a struggle. The worst part? It was all preventable. I wish I had taken care of myself, eaten better, exercised, and not treated my body like it was unbreakable. The years catch up with you faster than you think. You might not feel it now, but one day, you will. Take care of yourself before it’s too late.
  • Go to the doctor any time you need to, and don’t be embarrassed to talk about anything that’s bothering you. Your doctor’s job is to help you, not judge you. There is no shame in being sick, physically or mentally, and there is nothing strong or manly about not getting treatment for your problems. JeffreyPetersen / Reddit
Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News

At 63, George Clooney is still one of the hottest men in Hollywood. His take on life is simple, “I got a really good lesson in how little so much of this has to do with you. And the older you get, the more you’re able to look at it and go, well, it’s not my brilliance that made this thing a hit, and it’s not my stupidity that made this one flop. There’s all these elements, and you’re able to be a little more reflective. You take less credit for the good, and you take less credit for the bad.

Meanwhile, here are more hacks from Redditors:

  • Stretching / yoga. Flexibility is a great way to prevent serious injury, and you lose flexibility as you age. Try doing a simple yoga routine on YouTube 1-2x a week to start. kukukele / Reddit
  • Definitely look after your skin. A good moisturizer with sunblock. Also, glasses to not only protect your eyes but helps prevent squinting lines! clogs77 / Reddit
  • There was a girl I loved when I was young—really loved. She was everything: kind, smart, and the only person who truly saw me. We were happy, but I was afraid of commitment. I convinced myself I needed more time, that there was always going to be someone better, that I could chase adventure and settle down later. So, I left. Years passed, and I realized my mistake. By the time I reached out, she was married with kids, living the life we once dreamed of—just not with me. I had all the freedom I thought I wanted, but it came at a cost: a lifetime of wondering, "What if?" If you love someone, don’t let fear make your decisions for you. Sometimes, what you’re looking for is already right in front of you.
  • Say no. Not overworking, staying with friends or GFs too long, over committing, etc. “No” is a complete sentence and it’s ok. Unknown author / Reddit

At 52, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has a finger in many pies — from wrestling to acting, to having his own brands — he's proved that perseverance can turn into a massive success story. His advice to his younger self is simple, “I’d go to the gym. Because it made me feel like I had some accountability, like I could change my life.”

More hacks from Internet users:

  • Journaling daily. Get those thoughts out of my mind and into paper. Remember to write about the positive too! BTW_The_Names_Marcus / Reddit
  • Sleep. Go to bed near the same time every day. Wake up near the same time every day. Haven't used an alarm clock in over 10 years (unless I'm catching a flight or something like that). Sleep is so important. Unknown author / Reddit
  • I am almost of retirement age. I've had a good career, and it earned me enough wealth to live comfortably. My wife and I divorced amicably, and my kids are grown, leading their own lives. I have no responsibilities.
    Everyone calls me lucky, but to be honest, the thought of retiring terrifies me because I have nothing to do. I don't have hobbies or any interests other than my job, and the thought of sitting idle is a tough one. Always have a Plan B, guys.

Regret is a heavy weight to carry. These men shared their stories so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. Be honest. Take care of yourself. Choose wisely. One day, you’ll look back - make sure it’s with pride, not regret.


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