20+ Women Whose Natural Beauty Shines 100 Times Brighter With Just Minimal “No-Makeup” Makeup

3 years ago

Makeup is an incredible outlet for creativity for many of us. But for everyone who’s ever experimented with it a lot, the moment inevitably comes when they get tired of cut-creases, glitter, and heavy contour. At this very moment, the best thing we can do is to embrace our natural features and let them shine through minimal no-makeup makeup.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything found 20+ great examples of these looks to inspire you to try it out.

“I’m practicing doing my own makeup for my wedding. My goal is to still look like myself and keep it pretty natural.”

“I usually apply a lot of makeup, so this is new territory for me!”

“My everyday makeup: My brows are the most important part of my face since they change everything.”

“I did my 60-year-old grandma’s makeup. It was so much fun.”

“Right out of bed vs ‘No makeup’ makeup”

“I just can’t live without a highlighter on the inner corners of my eyes. I feel like it instantly distracts attention from my dark circles.”

“I had an eye injury a month ago, so I have dark circles under my eyes. This is my updated everyday ‘no-makeup’ makeup look.”

“My everyday ‘no-makeup’ makeup”

“My ’no makeup’ makeup goal is to walk out of the bathroom after an hour and leave everyone wondering what could’ve taken me so long in there.”

“When you wanted to find out the name of your blush and it turned out to be an eyeshadow. I thought that I was using a blush the whole time.”

“My ‘no-makeup’ makeup:”

“No-makeup makeup look!”

“I used to have a severe case of perioral dermatitis that ruined my self-esteem for a long time. So it’s always so nice to hear pleasant things about my appearance.”

“Almost all the makeup products I use aren’t expensive. I either bought them at a drugstore or got them as a gift. I hate spending money on makeup, because my skin tone changes so dramatically throughout the seasons that it’s not worth it.”

“I want to try to be naturally pretty instead of applying a lot of makeup to look pretty. I love red lips and dark liner, but I feel I need to start embracing how I look.”

“Natural beauty compared to natural makeup:”

“Sometimes it feels like I’m putting a lot of makeup on but when I compare the before and after, the difference is very subtle.”

“My 10-minute ‘no-makeup’ makeup look. I spend about 1-2 minutes on my brows, and less than a minute on my lips and to apply mascara. The majority of the 10 minutes is spent on my skincare routine.”

“Before and after ‘no-makeup’ makeup look. After many years of fighting acne, I’m finally happy with my skin.”

“My everyday ‘no-makeup’ makeup for hooded eyes. The most important thing is to make the shadow from the crease lighter, the crease itself smaller, and the eyelid bigger. And if you curl your eyelashes, it’ll change a lot!”

“A night shifter’s 10-minute no-makeup makeup look! Concealer is my lifeline.”

Do you prefer natural or bright makeup? What kind of makeup do you apply every day?

Preview photo credit That_Cat_Girl / reddit


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