8 Features That Psychologically Make Partner More Attractive to Us

11 hours ago

Attraction can be hard to grasp. It’s often unclear why you feel drawn to one person over another or what triggers your thoughts about them. Everyone has different opinions on what is attractive. But some studies can give us some kind of answers.

1. The shape of their face

Research shows we’re drawn to faces that seem more familiar or typical. This could be due to evolutionary reasons, as average features might signal genetic health, or simply because our brains find typical faces easier to process and recognize.

2. Diet

Your diet can influence your attractiveness. A small study from 2017 revealed that women were more attracted to the scent of sweaty men who consumed plenty of fruits and vegetables than to those who ate more refined carbs like pasta and bread. The researchers suggested that a healthy diet may lead to a healthier scent.

3. Taste

Kissing transfers numerous bacteria, which studies suggest plays a practical role in attraction. It allows us to sense if we’re compatible with someone, as their taste can impact how attractive we find them.

4. Leg to body ratio

Leg length matters a lot in what we find attractive. A balanced leg-to-body ratio is generally preferred for men, while longer legs are more attractive for women. The ideal is somewhere in between, not too long or too short. Some studies used edited images, which might not look real. Also, research shows that both men and women usually have similar leg lengths, suggesting that longer legs aren’t just a special feature of women.

5. Types of hands

Attractive hands usually have longer fingers, and studies show that women like men with longer ring fingers, suggesting healthy hormones. Hand attractiveness also depends on smooth, well-kept skin, which suggests good health and genes. However, plump hands are viewed less favorably, often linked to poor health.

6. Body odor

The attractiveness of a woman to men can be significantly influenced by her natural scent, which is linked to reproductive hormones. According to a study, women are particularly appealing during ovulation, a time when hormone levels are elevated, signaling fertility. This effect highlights the biological factors that can influence perception.

7. Facial symmetry

Studies have found that symmetrical faces are often perceived as more attractive because they are easier for our visual receptors to process. Additionally, there’s a biological instinct that links facial symmetry with good health and genetic quality.

8. Voice

Studies show that women are more attracted to men with deep voices, especially before ovulation. This could be due to biology, as deeper voices are linked to strength and health, much like in nature, where a lower pitch suggests a bigger, stronger individual.

However, this can work the other way too. A relationship expert said that some clients lost interest in someone they found physically attractive just because they didn’t like their voice.

Body language can show how someone feels about you. If your partner avoids eye contact, turns away, or seems distant, it might mean they no longer feel affection. On the other hand, if someone has a crush on you, they might lean in closer, smile a lot, or mirror your movements. Watching for these signs can help you understand your relationships better.


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