Choose Your First Move and Know More About Your Personality

3 weeks ago

Everyday actions can reveal a lot about who we are. From how we handle small tasks to how we interact with others, our daily choices and small signs we pay attention to can show our true personality. To find out more about yourself, take our quick quiz — you will learn more about what your actions say about you.

What would you do first?

1. Turn off the boiling kettle.

If you picked the kettle, it might mean you’re passionate and quick-tempered. You make decisions fast and are determined to reach your goals, no matter what.

You tend to get bored with routine and prefer to avoid surprises. You value safety and find it easier to stick to a clear plan without unexpected changes.

2. Answer the phone call.

Choosing to answer the phone might suggest that you’re focused and diplomatic. You’re reliable and find it challenging to tolerate mistakes from others. You’re a multitasker with a businesslike approach.

You communicate well with others, enjoy making valuable connections, and don’t mind being the center of attention.

3. Calm the crying baby.

If your first instinct is to calm the child, it shows you’re a calm and resourceful person. You enjoy helping others and are willing to put their needs before your own. Family and strong relationships are important to you.

You fear loneliness and prefer having people around. A quiet, cozy evening with loved ones is much more appealing to you than a lively night out.

4. Stop the dog gnawing on the couch.

If you choose to remove the dog from the couch, it might mean you can’t tolerate messes, whether in your home or your life. Keeping everything under control is important to you.

You won’t rest until things are in order. You focus on material possessions and social status, and you often know exactly how to handle different situations.

Riddles and optical illusions are great for revealing your personality and keeping your mind sharp. They challenge you and make you think in new ways. And, of course, to work on your personal weak sides you find out this way.

Illustrated by Alena Tsarkova for Now I've Seen Everything


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