Hilary Duff Opens Up Honestly About Her Decision to Consume Placenta in a Smoothie

9 months ago

Eating the placenta after giving birth is believed to boost energy and enhance the bonding experience with the baby. Despite certain associated risks, many mothers opt to have it processed into capsules. Hilary Duff, the renowned actress and singer, took this practice a step beyond by incorporating her placenta into a delightful fruit smoothie.

She didn’t want to turn her placenta into pills.

While many women who wish to consume their placenta after giving birth choose to have it made into pills, Duff wasn’t enthusiastic about this approach. “I heard something weird about the pills. I heard placenta burps are not ideal,” she shared.

It helped her recover faster.

Typically, it takes some time for a woman to recover after giving birth. The actress is convinced that incorporating her placenta into a nutritious smoothie expedited her healing process.

According to her, “They say that it stops your body from hemorrhaging after you have a baby. They say that it gives you all kinds of energy and nutrients and [it] helps balance your hormones and stuff like that.” She further explained, “A woman can grow a temporary organ. And then you can eat it.”

She enjoyed the experience.

Although the concept of consuming one’s placenta may seem unappealing to some, Duff expressed that having it in the form of a smoothie was surprisingly delicious. The actress described it as the yummiest smoothie she’s had since she was 10. “It was calorie-filled with juice and fruit and everything delicious,” she said.

She explained her decision to her older son.

Duff went a step further and converted some of her placenta into ice cubes to incorporate into her drinks. She revealed that her older son, who was 6 at the time, was curious and asked to see these unique cubes. “He was like, ’I wish I hadn’t asked,’” the star shared humorously.

Hilary Duff is known for her honesty with her subscribers, openly discussing both the joys and challenges of motherhood. She is also among the celebrities working to destigmatize public breastfeeding and normalize it.


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