I Had to Lie to My MIL to Avoid Eating Her Food

day ago

Dealing with your MIL can be tough. It’s hard to set boundaries and share your feelings without starting drama. Even if you don’t live with her, problems can still pop up. That’s what happened to Emma, one of our readers, who asked for advice.

Thank you, Emma, for sharing your story with us. We understand that this situation is complicated and appreciate your trust and hope the advice we’ve gathered will be helpful to you.

Here are some advices.

  • Admit the truth. Start by owning up to the lie, and sincerely apologize. Say something like, “I’m really sorry for lying about being vegan. I didn’t mean to deceive you — it was just easier than facing an awkward conversation, and I regret that.”
  • Acknowledge her feelings. Show empathy by saying, “I understand if you’re hurt or upset. I know how much effort you put into cooking, and I never meant to disrespect that.”
  • Avoid criticism. Explain without attacking her cooking: “I have some specific food habits, but instead of being upfront, I lied. That was wrong.”
  • Express gratitude. Tell her, “I really appreciate the love and care you put into every meal. It means a lot to me.”
  • Offer a peace gesture. Invite her out for coffee or lunch to reconnect in a more relaxed setting, showing you’re willing to mend things.

Handling in-laws can be challenging, especially when it comes to money. Or when they start to interfere in relationships with your partner, or what’s worse — blame for cheating. Such situations can create tension in relationships.

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