My Husband and MIL Insisted on a Paternity Test and Secretly Plotted Against Me

2 months ago

A woman shared her family drama. The happiest moment of her life — the birth of her child — was overshadowed by her husband’s behavior. He suspected her of infidelity, threatened divorce, and moved in with his parents, leaving her alone with their newborn baby.

What happened.

“I have been married to my husband for 2 years and gave birth to our daughter 5 weeks ago. What happened was that our daughter came out with blonde hair and pale blue eyes, while my husband and I have brown hair and brown eyes.

My husband freaked out at this and refused to listen to my explanation that, sometimes, babies are born with lighter hair and eyes that get darker over time. He demanded a paternity test and threatened to divorce me if I didn’t comply, so I did.”

“After my daughter and I got home from the hospital, my husband went to stay at his parents’ house for the first three weeks to get some space from me while I recovered, and he told them what was happening.

My MIL called and informed me that if the paternity test revealed that the child wasn’t his, she would do anything within her power to make sure that I was ’taken to the cleaners’ during the divorce. I had my sister to lean on and help me take care of the baby during this.

We got the results back yesterday, and my husband came home to view them with me. I was on the couch in the living room, so he sat next to me, and we started to read the results. They showed that he was the father and my husband had this shocked, kinda mortified look on his face with his eyes wide as he stared at it.”

“I couldn’t help but say, ’I told you so,’ and started laughing at the way he looked. My husband snapped out of his shock, and got mad at me for laughing at him. We argued for a bit, which was mainly him yelling at me.

After that, my husband went back to his parents’ house to ’clear his head,’ and two-three hours later, my MIL called to scold me about laughing in my husband’s face, because apparently it was kicking him while he was down.

I don’t think I was wrong, but I’d like outsider perspective on this.”

People took her side.

  • He should be crawling on his knees begging her for forgiveness for how ridiculously he acted while she was learning to take care of their child. Instead, he ran to mommy to whine that she laughed at him for being an idiot. © nervouscleric / Reddit
  • I feel like his own mother should have been able to set him straight even, or talk him into calming down and not doing anything rash (like ditching your wife and newborn child) until a test could be done. But instead she just encouraged the drama. And now they’re both mad because they both look like idiots. © _Ebril / Reddit
  • If my husband asked for a paternity test, and left me for 3 weeks. The lawyer would be drawing up the papers before I left the hospital. © Hangry_monster91 / Reddit
  • This is insane. He abandoned you postpartum and forced you to take care of a newborn by yourself while healing. My husband and I also have a baby that looks nothing like either of us. She came out with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, while we both have brown hair and brown eyes. We both just said wow genetics are crazy and moved on. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through while being freshly postpartum with a newborn. © Character_Figure_194 / Reddit
  • For real. I’d group message dear MIL and husband and say that, "Your son abandoned me for 3 weeks postpartum, leaving me alone to care for OUR newborn while still healing because apparently none of you ever learned how biology works. And now that it’s been proven how very wrong you both were both in your assumptions and your treatment of me, you have the audacity to get upset with ME... for laughing? © ambamshazam / Reddit
  • Husband sounds very insecure and a momma’s boy. He doesn’t trust you. His family doesn’t trust you. Look how quickly they all turned against you, just because of the way the baby looked. They couldn’t even wait for the test results before harassing you. What awful people they all are. Please get away from these people ASAP. © Equal-Implement-5922 / Reddit
  • I’d certainly be questioning staying in this marriage. He accuses you of infidelity and insists on a paternity test while making threats of divorce. Then he leaves for 3 weeks and ignores/abandons his own child during this time while letting his mother berate you. He learns the truth and realizes he is in fact an idiot, then tries to blame you again for his own behavior. Then rather than take responsibility and apologize, he runs again to mommy to berate you again. This will be a constant throughout the marriage. I personally wouldn’t want to deal with him and his mom. © rvllvr / Reddit

A paternity test can either destroy a family or bring it closer together. Here is a story of how a DNA test revealed a terrifying family secret.


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