A Woman’s Hips Triple in Size After Pregnancies. She Decided to Have the Surgery and Burst Into Tears When She Saw the Result

8 months ago

Ruby, a mother of many, noticed that her figure was changing after 4 pregnancies. After the birth of her 8th child, her thighs tripled in size, and no matter what she did, they refused to go down. Finally, our heroine decided to have an operation, after which she cried with joy.

Her body started to change after her fourth baby.

At 39 years old, Rubi has eight children, five girls and three boys. She was diagnosed with Adipose Hypertrophy, a rare genetic condition that causes an excessive growth of fat cells, thereby limiting the circulation of toxins in the bloodstream.

According to Rubi, she made several attempts to regain her pre-pregnancy figure, but all of her efforts had failed. She recalls, ’’Before my first three pregnancies, my body was normal.’’ But she explains that things totally shifted after her fourth pregnancy, saying ’’I wouldn’t lose weight from my thigh area no matter how much exercising I would do, my hips stayed the same.’’

Rubi describes her body as ’’skinny up top’’. But she says, ’’My hips feel like Jell-O, they feel very wiggly when I squeeze them, they move all over the place.’’ She added, ’’It’s a really weird feeling.’’

It really affected the way she felt about herself.

Her self-esteem dropped so significantly that Rubi didn’t even consider marrying her long-term boyfriend because she couldn’t bear the idea of wearing a wedding dress. She explained: “I’ve been with my boyfriend almost 10 years, we’ve talked about getting married, but I can’t see myself in a wedding dress because I feel so embarrassed about my thighs.”

The mom of eight noted, ’’Trying to find clothes to wear is frustrating, when I try a dress on I look like a boat.’’ During her lowest point, Rubi attempted to conceal her body shape behind the till at her workplace. However, her self-esteem was further diminished when a customer made an unpleasant comment about her size.

She’s a new woman now.

Despite a lifelong fear of surgery, Ruby decided to go under the knife to undergo liposuction on both thighs and have a second operation to remove excess skin. Ruby’s surgeon, Dr. Megan Gruber, was “shocked” upon examining her thighs.

“Her hips are so large and so disproportionate to her body, I’ve really never seen a case like hers before,” she said.

Afraid she might not wake up, Rubi chose to undergo the procedures while conscious and was given anesthesia before having four liters of fat removed. The surgery was a success, and Rubi was brought to tears upon seeing her newly transformed figure for the first time. Two months later, she felt so confident that she was finally getting ready for her wedding.

Today, Rubi is over the moon with her transformation. Her daughter Juliana noted, ’’She has been a completely different person. She’s wearing fitted jeans, tighter shirts. She looks amazing, and I can tell that she’s glowing more.’’

This beautiful mother is thriving more than ever and feels comfortable in her own skin, which is a life-changing feeling. She shared, ’’Before I could never think about even seeing myself in a dress and now, after 10 years with my boyfriend, I am finally getting married.’’

We’re delighted that Ruby is finally happy with her body. But the fact that she was criticised is appalling. Such people are still bullied, like this girl who was asked by her neighbour not to wear a bikini.


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