My Husband Completely Ruined My Mother’s Day, So I Returned the Favor on His Father’s Day

2 months ago

As we know, revenge is a dish best served cold, but the woman in today’s story couldn’t wait. When her husband ruined her special day, she promptly retaliated by ruining his. Afterwards, she went online to see if others thought she had overreacted.

She shared her story.

My husband and I have two kids, a 6-year-old boy and an 8-month-old girl. For two weeks leading up to Mother’s Day, he kept telling me he had a whole weekend planned for me. This was unusual, but in the past, I’ve felt hurt and unappreciated when he didn’t do much for me on Mother’s Day, even though I always went all out for him on Father’s Day.

So, I thought he finally got where I was coming from and was going to make this year special. All I asked for was a massage, but he kept saying that a massage alone “wasn’t enough”. I naturally started thinking he had really gone above and beyond this time.

Anyways, Friday came around, and suddenly a bunch of people started showing up at our place. My husband had invited around 10-15 people, but I only knew two of them. He called it the “Mother’s Day bonfire”. Sure, we had a fire, but I ended up running after the kids all evening, including my 6-year-old, while holding the baby, and also watching someone else’s two kids because they weren’t paying attention to them. No one even talked to me. The only time I was acknowledged was at the end of the night when my husband’s friend said he was taking my husband to go four-wheeling.

I put my foot down and told my husband he wasn’t going anywhere. By this point, I was extremely upset because this was supposed to be my promised special weekend, yet I ended up babysitting other people’s kids, cleaned up the mess—no one even talked to me—and now he’s planning to leave.

The next morning, I poured my heart out about how hurt I felt. He apologized, admitting he hadn’t been thinking straight. Okay, fine. I got it. Saturday was a bit of a wash because he spent half the day catching up on sleep.

Well, yesterday rolled around, and his boss called him at 6 am, asking him to come in because they were short-staffed. He agreed, and I couldn’t help but express my disappointment, saying, “But it’s Mother’s Day.” His response was, “I know, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for extra hours.” I understood his point, so I shrugged it off.

He finally got home around 5 pm and started getting the kids dressed and ready to go out, so I thought, “Great, we’re finally going to do something special.” We ended up going for a walk (which I love), but just five minutes in, he started complaining about the black flies (which weren’t even that bad) and turned us back. Once again, I found myself feeling let down.

When we finally got home, he plopped down on the couch and casually mentioned, “Oh, your gift is out in the truck.” I headed downstairs, and there it was—a $5 storage container for sugar or flour. I do appreciate practical stuff like that, but I was hurt by it. I asked him if he could at least give me a massage, and he replied with, “I’m sorry, babe, I’m just so tired,” before crashing out around 8 pm. Normally, he stays up till midnight or 1 am. There I sat, tears streaming down my face.

I ended up tossing the three gifts I had already bought for him for Father’s Day straight into the trash. They were personalized items that had cost me quite a bit, but I didn’t care anymore. This morning, he found them in the garbage covered in food and asked me why they were there. I told him they were his Father’s Day gifts and left it at that. Now he’s upset, saying he “tried” to make my weekend special, and hurt that I threw away his gifts because things didn’t go as he planned.

She received plenty of support from people online.

  • What husband invites their friends over for a Mother’s Day bonfire?? You invite the Wife’s friends for that. Your husband seems incapable of properly appreciating anyone other than himself. © livelylibrarian / Reddit
  • How did he “try” to make it special? A bonfire with his friends? Spending the day lazing around while you cleaned up his mess? Getting you a five-dollar item and not even wrapping it or getting a card? © celticmusebooks / Reddit
  • So, for Father’s Day, you need to hype up that you have something special planned. Really lay it on. Say he just needs to be home at X time, ready for anything. Meanwhile, you are also scheduling something for you without the kids. A movie, that massage, going out to coffee with a friend. SOMETHING AWAY FROM HOME. And when that time arrives, you hand the baby off and kiss hubs on the cheek and say ’See you in a few hours’ and go. After all, Father’s Day should be about a father spending time with his children. © Miss***derpants / Reddit
  • It didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to because he planned it for himself, not for you. Thoughtless and selfish is no way to get through life. © she_who_knits / Reddit
  • Leaving other people’s kids with you?! Why did they all bring their kids — where were their parents? Why did he invite people you didn’t know? And then you had to clean it all up?! © lychigo / Reddit
  • He planned things without actually considering you; therefore, he did not plan anything for you—he planned things for himself in your name only. He sounds like someone who is not self-aware and selfish. Maybe you need to spend a few months “trying” as a wife/mom with the same level of incompetence he does and see how his life unravels without you running the show for him without it being acknowledged. © strangeloop414 / Reddit
  • He didn’t try, and I’m sorry to break it to you, but it doesn’t get better. These kinds of guys don’t change. And if you don’t believe me, feel free to find out for yourself. © beansonbeans4me / Reddit

In another article, we shared the story of a woman who asked her MIL to leave her baby shower after receiving an offensive gift from her.


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